Three-leaved Hellebore.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA P O L Y G Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. R A N U N C U L A C EÆ . Juss. gen. p .2 3 \ .
Tribus IV . H e l l e b o r eæ . Dec. syst. 1. p . 306.
H E L L E B O R U S . Suprà fol. 109. series 1.
U . lividus, foliis trisectis glabris: segmentis ellipticis : paginis discoloribus,
petalis longitudinaliter fissis : ore integro, caule folioso multitioro.
Heltebwus lividus. Solander in A it. kew. e d . l . 2 . p . 2^2. Roi. ma/, i .72.
Willd. sp. p l. p . 1338. Salisb. in linn, trans. 8. p . 304. u e c . j t . .
ed. 3. 4. p . 907. Ejusd. syst. 1. p . 321. prodr. 1. p . 47.
H . trifolius. Mill. diet. n. 4. non Linn.
H . triphyllus. Lam. diet. 3. p . 97.
H . foetidus var. 8. Linn. sp. p l. p . l 8 4 .
H . niger trifoliatus. A id . h. fa rn . 93. t. 92. Moris, last. 3. p . 460. s. f e .
t. 4. / . 7. Tourn. inst. p. 272.
Helleboraster indicus trifolius. B a rr. ic. 1143.
Aiemupright,b ranched, generallytwiceforked.leafy,slightly
angular and purplish, about seven inches high. Letyes ter-
nately parted, the segments elliptical, pointed, minutely and
sharply toothed, or sometimes entire, stiff and coriaceous,
perfectly smooth, of a dull rather glaucous green above,
marked with whitish veins, underneath of a livid pm pie, an
inch and a half to three inches long, and from halt an inch to
an inch in breadth, intermediate one on a short stalk; the
lateral ones quite sessile, with unequal sides. Footstalks an
inch long, nearly round, stiff, of a purple hue, marked above
with a shallow furrow, the base broad, concave, and clasping
the stem. Peduncles angular, an inch long. Bractes haXi
embracing the stem, ovate-oblong, mucronulfee, the edges
furnished with numerous small sharp teeth. Calycine leaves
5, elliptical, serrated at the apex, somewhat coriaceous
green, afterwards assuming a purplish hue; the outer 3
Laller, and pointed. Fetals \ \ , small, unequal, tubular,
2 A 2