Alpine Soldanella.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. P R IM U L A C E A . Brown p rodr. p . 421.
S O L D A N E L L A . Calyx 5-partitus. Corolla campanulata, ore lacero
multifida. Stamina 5, filamentis antheras adnatas sagittatas superantibus.
S tigm a l. Ca/isiifa apice multivalvis. Swt. brit. f l . gar. seriesL. No. \ \ .
S . alpina, foliis rotundo-cordatis obsolete repando-crenulatis margine sub-
recurvis, scapo 2-3-floro subpubescente, laciniis calycis oblongis obtusiusculis
patentibus, corolla campanulata patente, stylo incluso.
Soldanella alpina. Linn.'syst. veg. p . 194. Curtis, bot. mag. t. 49. Willd.
spec. p i. 1. p . 808. Enum. hort. berol. 1. p . 192. Link enum. hort.
ber. 1. p . 158. Jacq. aust. t. 13. Sturm, flo r. germ. fa se . 20. Rmm.
et Schultes syst. v. 4. p . 132.
Soldanella Clusii. Schmidt flo r. boem. 1. n. 148.
FV.hiiith.dal. Pdbh-./7?j.djprc^’_ Jiip/IffJ/.. TfedadO -R. ■
Root perennial, tufted, scarcely producing shoots, but
throwing up numerous leaves and flower stems. Leaves
roundly cordate, kidney-shaped or sometimes ovate and attenuated
a little way down the petiole, very slightly repandly
crenate, the margins slightly bent backwards, smooth and
glossy, of a dark glossy green on the upper side, and paler
underneath, slightly winged a little way down,;the petiole.
Petioles tinged with purple, flattened on the upper side and
convex below. Scapes erect, two or three flo\Vered, very
slightly pubescent, and hardly tinged with purple. Flowers
nodding, of an azure blue, larger than S. pusilla, and more
spreading. Bractes unequal in size, one to each pedicle,
the upper one longest, pressed close to the pedicle, lance«'
late, acute; the others variable in size. Pedicles noddin,
one-flowered. Calyx 5-cleft, the segments oblong or broadly
lanceolate, bluntish, spreadingwide open, quite free from the
corolla, but closing partly up again when the flower is
overblown. Corolla bell-shaped, spreading widely open
when fully expanded, divided into five main divisions, which
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