and keeled on the upper side, both sides of a brilliant purple
crimson colour, shaded with copper colour at the margins
and ends, particularly so after having been three or four
days in flower. Stamens 6: Jitaments broad at the base, tapering
to the anthers, inserted at the base to a commissure between
the ovarium and leaflets of the perianthium: anthers
linearly oblong, inserted by their base into the very slender
point of the filament, which causes them to be versatile, extending
a little above the stigma: potten dark purple. Ovarium
3-sided, at first pure white, changing to a pale straw
colour. Stigma 3-lobed ; lobes reflexed, channelled on the
upper side, and pustulose.
The variety /3. variegata differs chiefly from the species,
in being of a more brilliant colour, and variegated with
bright yellow, orange, rose-colour, or bluish glaucescent
at the back. The flowers occur more or less variegated.
The species blossoms about the 14th of May, and continues
to the end of the month. Our drawing was taken at
the Botanical Garden, Chelsea, in May last. It requires
the same treatment as other Tulips.
The generic name is already explained at folio 97, of
the present series.
1. Stamen, showing the insertion o f the anther, and the poilen on the anther. 2. O varium
terminated b y a 3-lobed stigma, which is fring ed. 3. Root. 4 . Outlin e o f a leaf.
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