CALCEOLÀRIA purpurea; vai\ elegans.
Elegant Purple Slipperwort.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA N D R I A M O N O G Y N IA .
Naturai Order. S C R O P H U L A R IN A Ì . Brown p rodr. 1. p . 433.
C A L C E O L A R IA . Suprà fol. 130. series 2.
C. jJMrpjirea, herbácea; foliis radicalibus cuneato-oblongis dentato-serratis
rugosis scabris ; caulinis superioribus cordatis integerrimis, paniculà
corymbosà diffusà, corollæ labio inferiore orbiculato repando. B . Don
Calceolaria purpurea. Graham in Bo t. Mag. t. 2775.
8. elegans, floribus majoribus lilacinis.
P lan t herbaceous, perennial. Stems rather slender, upright,
branched, cylindrical, copiously clothed with glandular
pubescence, viscid, of a pale livid purple, from a span to
a foot high. Leaves, the radical ones cuneate-oblong, or lanceolate,
acute, coarsely and unequally serrated, dull green,
and pubescent on both sides, wrinkled, and rough above
with coarser hairs, varicose beneath, from the middle downwards
narrowed and entire ; those of the stem ovate, acuminate,
spreading, toothed at the apex, attenuated at the base,
but scarcely stalked; the upper ones and bractes embracing
the stem, cordate, acuminate, entire, frequently reflexed.
Panicle corymbose, ample, spreading. Peduncles divaricately
spreading, variously forked. Pedicels slender, capillary,
pubescent, glandular, varnished, about half an inch
long. Calyx 4-partite, copiously clothed with glandular pubescence
; the segments ovate, rather obtuse. Corolla lilac,
with a very short white tube; upper lip prominent, somewhat
globular, helmet-shaped ; the lower one 3 or 4 times larger,
orbicular, compressed, marked above with several depressed
lines, the edge repandly crenate; the mouth pale tawny.
Filaments very short, white, compressed, thickened at the
base. Anthers pale yellow, the cells distinct, ventricose,