II; ^
\ i AJAX cernuus.
Drooping creamy white Ajaæ.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA ;
Natural Order. A M A R Y L L ID E A l. S row n prodr. \ . p . WS.
Sect. V . N a r c is s in a ;. Radix bulbosa. Spatha monophylla. Elores
umbellati, raro solitari!. Perianthium tubulosum petaloideum, 6-partitumj
A J A X . Spatha uniflora. Perianthium 6-partitum, patens: tubo turbinato;
coronà grandi poculiformi perianthii laciniis subaequanti. Genitalia
recta. Filamenta libera, aequalia, ad basin tubi inserta, éequaliter, et ad
ejus lacera paululum adnata, coronà saepe ter breviora. Antherce lineares
longae. OrariMm triloculare, trivalve; mfois biseptiferis. Ouwte numerosae
ovatm, quadrifariam insertse.—Herbm (Europeae) bulbosce ; bulbis tunicatis
inferne rotwndatis, superne conicis ; fo liis semper bifariis loratis grosse ner-
voso-striatulis plano-canaliculatis plus minus glaucis, ante anthesin fe re
semper erectis. Scapis semper unijioris. Haworth in Narcis. revis. in suppi
pi. succ. p. 111. parum mutatum. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 514.
A . cernuus, foliis lorato-linearibus canaliculatus; subtus carinatis longitu-
dinater striatis glaucescentibus, coronà cylindraceà crispà 6-lobà : lobis
rotundis integerrimis, segmentis perianthii ovatis obliquis, flore cernuo.
Aja x cernuus. Haworth on the Narcissean group o f plants in thephilos. magaz.
and annals, A u g . l , 1830, p. 132; and in a Monograph on the
Narcissere, by A . H. Haworth, in an appendix to the end o f Vol. 1. o f
Sweet’s B ritish Flower Garden, series 2. p . 2. col. 2.
Narcissus cernuus. Both catalect. bot. fa se . 1. p . 43. Neue B e y tr. zur Bo-
tan. p . 187. Schult. syst. 7. pars 2. add. p . 1732. non Salisb. prodr.
Leaves lorately linear, scarcely acute, glaucescent, channelled
on the upper side, hollowly keeled at the back, prominently
striated with numerous longitudinal lines. Scape
slender, erect, but bending round at the point, somewhat
compressed, with 2 flat edges, striated with numerous lines.
Spalhe ovate, rounded at the end, membranaceous, bursting-
on the upper side. Ovarium belovit the flower, oblong, green
and glossy, 3-celled and 3-valved, 2 septums passing up the
centre, and each bearing 2 rows of ovulæ. Perianthium
deeply 6-parted, segments oblong-elliptic, acute, more or
less twisted, longer han the tube. Crown about the length
VOL. I I . B