2 9 7 . 197
SCHIZÁNTHU S pinnàtus ;
Dwarf Schizanthus.
var . humilis.
Lmnean Class and Order. D I A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
NaturalOrder. S C R O P H U L A R IN A :. Brown prodr. I . p . 433.
S C H IZ A N T H U S . Suprà fol. 63. series 1.
S. pinnatus, pedunculis fructiferis apice inflexis secundis, corollæ labii in-
ferioris laciniis lateralibus intermedi obcordata longioribus ; supremà
cuneatà emarginatà. D . Bon Mss. , , , in #17
Schizanthus pinnatus. R u iz et Pavon f l . P^niv. et cM . Y t . l l .
Vahl enum. 1. p. 171. Persoon syn. 2. p. 161. Bot. Mag. t. 2404, Hook.
0. staterà humiliori, foliis lyratis: segmentis subrotundis crenatis
integrisve, racemis confertis. _ , ir « o
Schizanthus pinnatus 8 humilis. Ztndl. in Bot. Reg. t. I o02.
Whole herb thickly clothed with pubescence, intermixed
with longer hairs, which are crowned by an ovate, pellucid,
Yellow ffland. Zooi fibrous, annual. Aim erect, cylindrical,
much branched and bushy, from a span to a foot high. Leaves
alternate, pinnatifid, an inch and a half long ; upper ones
shorter, lyrate; the segments oblong or rounded, obtuse,
with blunt teeth, frequently only repand, and sometimes
quite entire; the terminal one larger, rounded, mostly crenate.
Bractes cuneiform, leafy, repandly toothed, or entire.
Peduncles spreading, filiform, erect, afterwards becoming
deflexed and incurved at the apex, thrice longer than toe
bractes, clothed with glanduliferous violet-coloured hairs. La-
/i«'5 -pai-tite; the segments spathulate, spreading at the apex,
the outer three larger, the whole becoming connivent after
floweriiiff. Corolla tube shorter than the calyx, and ot a
bright purple; the limb spreading, with an orbicular out me
of a rose-colour, paler, and almost approaching to white
towards the centre; 2 lateral segments cut into spathulate,
blunt, sometimes emarginate lobes; upper hp cuneitorm,
emarginate, lower one tripartite, of a deep reddish purple,
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