Crimson Alstroemeria.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA MOISTOGYNIA.
NaturalOrder. A M A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown prodr. novoe-poll. p.^ 9 6 .
Sect. IV . A l s t r oe m e k iæ .
A L S T R OE M E R IA . Suprà fo l. 15.
A caule erecto, foliis lineari-lanceolatis glabris toriuosis mar-
' ¿ n e ciliatis, pedunculis ramosis umbellatis, periautbii fohobs 3 exterioribus
ovato-lancBola-tis S6rra.tis. ? «i « /s /\ ^ i i*
Alstroemeria bmmantba. R u iz, et Pavon f l . peruv. et chil. 3. p . 60. Schult.
syst. veg. 7. p- 738.
Rool composed of many cylindrical, white, Aeshy tubers,
about the thickness of one’s finger, but
their insertion. Slems erect, from two to three feet high, cylindrical,
smooth, and glaucous, scarcely so thick as a goo.e
quill. Leaves scattered, pointed, glaucous, and s“ oote on
both surfaces, fringed at the margin with slender carti-
la<reneous teeth; they are twisted at the base, which gives
them an oblique, horizontal direction, the
inches long, with from four to ten lines in breadth, the
ZoMie/-ones are lanceolate; and the ^'^fbourthL
near lanceolate. Flowers of a deep orange-red, about the
size of those of A. Simsit, and, like ^Aem, umbellate. Pe-
duncles from two to three inches long, filiform, smooth,
purplish, mostly branched with two or three flowers, rarely
Smple, surounded at the base by a whorl of leaves and
each branch having a single linear pointed, Ringed y
bractea at its insertion. Ferianlhium composed of six
leaves over-lapping each other, and contracted into a short
tube at thebase; three o u l e r ones ovate ^anceolate
somewhat spathulate, serrated along the edges of the
lar^ina spLeadini and somewhat recurved, of a uniform
deep omnge-red, with greenish thickened points; thiee mna
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