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HELENA gracilis.
Slender Helena.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. AM A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown prodr. \ . p . 296.
S e c t .V . N a k c is s b æ . Radix bulbosa. Spatha monophylla 1-v. multiflora.
Perianthium tubulosum, petaloideum, 6-partitum, corouatum.
H E L E N A . Spatha 1-3-flora. Perianthii segmentis in stellam expansis,
tubo multo brevioribus : tubus grossus valde compressas, angulis obtusis,
fere ut in Narcisso, at longior, magisque compressus ; filamenta omnia fere
omnino toto tubo adnatæ : antherce demum spiraliter tortæ, tres superne pMte
tubi inclusæ, tres tubi semisuperantes. /SfyZws tubum æquans stigmatibus
tribus rotularibus. Ovarium triloculare, trivalve : valvis biseptiferis ; ovulce
numerosæ, bifariam insertæ, obovato-spathulatæ, cætera ut in Narcisso.
Charactere gracili sumptus.—Habitus in omnibus gracilior multo quam m
ultimo, vel sequent! genere. Eolia linearia fere plana, lineam lata et viridia
seu glauca.
* Flavissima floris, foliis viridioribus.
H . gracilis, 1-3-floris, scapo gracili compresso superne ancipite læve, spatha
pedúnculo brevior inferne integra, perianthium flayissimum ; segmentis
ovatis acutis valde imbricatis horizontalibus saturatiore patula a c e t^ u -
liformi, ore pìicatim eroso-crenulata marcescente 5-6-plo longioribus,
Haworthin Stvt. brit, flo r. gar, series^, in en d o f volumel. edit, 2. ^ .1 2 0 .
Narcissus gracilis. Bot. ì'eg, t,S 1 6 .
Narcissus lætus. Redout, liliac. 428. non Salisb.
Root bulbmü, clothecTwïth a glossy brown skin, the outside
surrounded by numerous loose scales, which sheath the
stem a good way up. Leaves several, dark green, the broadest
about 4 lines in width, deeply channelled on the upper
side and rounded below, striated longitudinally with numerous
longitudinal slender lines, from 12 and a half to 14 inches
in length, elongated linear, nearly of equal breadth from the
base to the point. Scape erect, rather slenderish, in our specimens
about 16 inches in height, flattened or slightly rounded,
sharply but shortly 2-edged, striated longitudinally^ with
innumerable slender lines, which extend to the spathe. Spathe
rather more than an inch and a half in length, not very broad,
membranaceous, and extending along way up the tube, nearly
to its end. Peduncles slender, sharply 3-angled, from an inch
and a half to nearly 3 inches in length. Ovarium below the
perianthium, smooth, dark green, triangular, 3-celled, the
cells each producing 2 septums, on which the seeds are longitudinally
arranged, one row on each ; ovula numerous, tapering
to the base and widening upwards, of an obovate ly
spathulate form : tube nearly double the length of the segii&
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