LOÀSA álba.
White-flowered Loasa.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Wntnrnl Order LO A SEÆ . Juss. in ann. mus. 5. p. le .
L O A S A . Calycis Ztmfto 5-partito, persistenti. I j t a l a lO; 3
(.stamina mutata,) dissimilia, involuta, conniventia, ^
lobata. Stamina f e r tilia numerosa, m 5 phalangibus fi f e f e
per paria petalis interioribus adnata, connectivo ‘« " S Y f
A n tle roe snbrotundæ, erectæ, biloculares. Stigma ™ 7 ^ „ d a r i
sula turbinata, 1-locularis, 3-valvis, polysperma. Semina subrotunda,
«culata, placentis (i geminatira contiguis inserta. 7,,,,
H e r b l (Americæ australis) annuæ, p ih s f la c e is , f™ * 7 ;.
vestitoe. Folia petiolata, opposita v. alterna, plerumque lobata. llo r e s
lita rii, pedunculati. D . Don. Mss.
L. alba, canescens, hispida ; foliis oppositis P^'^^tis dentatis, kcinus calycinis
lineari-elongatis, petalis saccatis ; appendicibus exteriorum dola
bratis aristatis. -D. Don Mss.
The whole plant clothed with minute hoary pubescence,
intermixed with prurient bristly hairs. Root annual. Stem
branched, spreading, about afoot high, round. Leaves o j
posite, cordate, palmate, with from 5 to 7 lanceolate, ac ,
toothed lobes; lower ones stalked; upper ones sessile, with
rather narrower, and mostly entire lobes, f c e n axiU y
and terminal, mostly solitary, « o d d i n g . P e t e f c hbior ,
about twice the length of the leaves. Calyx with 5 deeply
parted, linear, or linear-lanceolate, acute, entire segments.
Petals 10; the outer 5, large and spreading, hollow, saccate
unguiculate, inclosing the bundles of stamens, shorter than
the calycine segments, and of a pure white colour ; inner 5
obcuneately oblong, hollow, cloven at the top, involute a
the margins, of a deep red, especially towards the base, an
furnished with two small dolabriform bristle-pointed appen
dages, of the same colour. Stamens, the fertile ones very numerous,
arranged in five bundles opposite the outer petals.
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