I f 1
maits slender, cylindrical, very short, and smooth. Anthers
two-celled, of a deep violet colour ; the cells united along
the middle by means of the connectivum, but free at both
extremities. Pollen sulphur-coloured. Ovarium oblong, 2-
celled, surrounded atthe base by a fleshy, repandly-crenate,
orange ring. Style filiform, smooth. Stigma projecting beyond
the mouth of the corolla, peltate, composed of 2 very
short, spreading, viscid lobes.
This curious species of Tobacco forms another interesting
addition to the flower-border, its long, slender blossoms being-
produced in great abundance, and for several months in
succession. The singular phenomenon, common to many
white and dingy flowers, of expanding only at night, or in
cloudy weather, occurs, also, in this plant. Like Nierem-
bergia phoenicea, it is a native of Buenos Ayres, where it was
discovered by Mr. Tweedie ; and from seeds received from
that enterprising collector, the plant was raised by my worthy
friend, Mr. Neill, in whose garden, at Canonmills, near
Edinburgh, I had the pleasure of seeing it, for the first time,
in full blossom, in September last. It forms one of the aberrant
species of Nicotiana, coming near to Nierembergia, which
is principally distinguished by the greater degree of development
in the segments of the calyx.
Cavanilles states his N. longiflora to have been collected
in Chile, by M. Née ; and, although his description is rather
meagre, it, nevertheless, accords so well with our plant,
that I have no doubt of their identity.
The plant is a half-hardy annual, thriving- best in light
rich soil, and is increased by seeds.
Our drawing was taken from a plant that had been received
by Mr. Lambert from Mr. Neill, and which flowered
at Boyton last month.
The generic name is from Jean Nicot, Envoy from the
Court of France to Portugal, whence he brought the plant
in 1560. D . Don Mss.
":■ ii\t
1. Corolla laid op en , to show the insertion o f the Stamina. 2. Pistil.