NARCISSUS stellàris.
Star?y Narcissus.
Linnean Clms and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A M A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown prodr. p . 296.
S e c t .V . N a r c i s s i n e æ . Radix bulbosa. Spatha monophylla, 1-muI-
tiflora. Perianthium tubulosum, petaloideum, G-partitum, corouatum.
NAB .CL S SU S. Spatha 1-3-flora. P erianthii lacmiis plus minus stel-
latus. Corona crassa brevi patellari segmentis multum breviori. Filamenta
tubo adnata 3 inferiora cum antheris parum inclusa : et 3 etiam inclusa cum
antheris semiexsertis. Ovarium triangularis trivalvis ; valvis medio bisep-
tiferis ; ovula numerosa bifariam producta.
N . stellàris, perianthii seçmentis stellato-patentibus distinctis obovato-cu-
neatis mucronatis, corSna perlutea patellari : margine plicato crenulato
croceo intus albido, antheris omnibus subexsertis, foliis angusto-lineari-
bus glaucescentibus obtusiusculis.
Narcissus stellàris. Haworth in Swt. brit. flo r. gar. no. 25. W . l . a t the
end, J u n e ! , 1831. Narcissinearum monographia, edit. 2. 1831.
Narcissus medio purpureus serotinus. P a rk , parad. p . 76. t. 75. j . 4.
Bulb rather small, ovate, tapering upwards, clothed with
a brown membranaceous skin, which frequently more or less
peels off. Leaves linear, bluntish at the point, glaucous channelled
on the upper side and keeled below, longitudmally
striated with numerous prominent lines, more strongly keeled
towards the base. Scape erect, slender, slightly compressed
acutely angled at the edges, faintly striated, very much
taperingupwards. Spathe lanceolate, thinly membranaceous,
longer than the peduncle, neatly striated, of a light straw
colour. Peduncle nearly cylindrical, very obtusely angled,
producing 2 or 3 shallow furrows. Ovarium below the
flower, 3-celled, 3-valved, of a pale glossy green, each valve
bearing 2 septums, on which two rows of crowded ovulae are
inserted; those are a little tapering to the base and rounded
at the ends, of a glossy whiteness, shining like ivory. Peria
n th ium peiA-\\k& : tube bluntly 4-angular, thick: segments
spreading out like a star, quite distinct to the base, cuneately
obovate, mucronate, tapering very much towards the base,
longitudinally veined, the veins more or less branched. Lrown
very short, yellow at the base with a white ring a little
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