NICOTIÀNA longiflòra.
Long-flowered Tobacco.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natura lOrd e r. SO L A N EÆ . Brown p r o d r .1. p . 443.
N L C O T IA N A . Suprà fol. 107. series 1.
N . Imgiflora, scabra ; foliis caulinis amplexicaulibus corclato-lanceolatis
acuminatis, corollæ tubo filiformi calyce subfoliaceo 5-plò longiori ;
lobis ovato-lanceolatis acutis. B . Bon Biss.
Nicotiana longiflora. Cavan, descr. p . 106. Roem. et Schult. syst. veg. 4.
p . 322.
Root annual. Stem erect, much branched and spreading,
like the other parts of the plant, copiously clothed with glan-
duliferous hairs, and rough, with short bristles, callous at
the base. Branches long, twiggy, filiform, rough. Leaves,
the radical ones ovate-lanceolate, acute, waved, narrowed at
the base, scarcely stalked, about a span long, and 3 inches
broad; those of the stem sessile, lanceolate, acuminate,
wavy, and repand at the margin, scabrous above, about
three inches long, with a broad and cordate base ; the upper
ones narrow, and almost linear. Flowers lateral, solitary,
stalked, ascending, frequently placed opposite the leaves.
Peduncles stout, round, hairy, from half an inch to an
inch long. Calyx an inch in length, with the tube rather
ventricose, and marked with 5 angles ; the limb divided into
5, lanceolate-linear, obtuse, erect, unequal segments, rather
longer than the tube, and furnished with a prominent midrib.
Corolla of a dingy white, afterwards tinged with purple ;
tube filiform, straight, densely pubescent, 4 or 5 inches long,
with the mouth "but little widened; the limb spreading,
deeply five-lobed, plaited, above of a clear white, underneath
greenish, afterwards becoming of a dingy purple ; lobes
ovate-lanceolate, acute, at first involute at the edges. Sfl-
mina 5, unequal, inserted in the mouth of the corolla. Fila-