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MALVA Miniata.
Vermilion-ßowered Mallow.
Linnean Class and Order. M O N A D E L P H IA P O L Y A N D R IA .
Natural Order. MALV A C E JE . Brown cougo, p . 8. K u n tk düs.
1 8 2 2 .; j . l . D C .p ro d . \ . p . 429. Malvaceee. Sections 1 -2-3. Juss.gen.211.
Div. I . Ca?j/x duplex seu involucro cinctus. D C . p r o d .l . p . 429.
M A L V A . Calyx cinctus involucro 3-phyllo rarius 5-6-phyllo ; brac-
teolis oblongis setaceisve. Carpella capsularia plurima in orbcm disposila.
D C . prod. 1. p . 430. . . .
§. 7. Multißorte; floribus purpurasccntibus, miniabs aut albis, pedunculis
axillaribus multifloris, involucello 3-phyllo, foliis angulatis.
M. miniata; fruticulosa; foliis ovato-cordatis trilobis irregulariter cre-
nato-lobatis tomentosis; peduncles axillaribus racemosis sub-quinque-
floris, floribus secundis.
M. miniata. Cav. icon. 3. t. 278. D C . prod. 1. p . 435.
A suffrutescent, much branched, upright plant, about
three or four feet high; branches upright, smooth at the
base, but beset with white soft stellate tomentum towards
the top. Leaves ovate, somewhat cordate at the base, slightly
3-lobed, the middle lobe much elongated, all obtuse and
lobately-crenate, white from stellate tomentum beneath, as
well as the petioles, greenish on the upper surface, and covered
with minute stellate pubescence. Stipules lanceolate,
subulate, one on each side of the petiole at the base. Peduncles
axillary, usually about equal in length to the leaves,
and generally bearing about five flowers each, beset with
stellate tomentum. Flowers all leaning to one side of
the peduncle, which is usually terminated by a small leaf,
about the size of those of M. limensis; of a vermilion colour,
on very short pedicels. Involucrum of three very narrow linear
tomentous leaflets, which are shorter than the calyx.