RIBES sanguineum.
Red-flowered Currant.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. G R O S S U L A R IE A . D C . / . / r . (1804) 4. p . 400.
R I B E S . CoZi/a: 5-lobus, laciniis plus mlnùscoloratis. P e ta la 5 parva,
albida lutea vel rubra. Stamina 5 rarissimè 6 : filamentis liberis. S ty li
1-2-3-4-fidi. Bacca unilocularis, receptaculis lateralibus. Semina arillata
(an in omnibus?) oblonga subcompressa. D C. prodr. 3. p . 477.
Sect. I I I . R ib e s ia . Flores racemosi semper ad minimum 4-flori.
Folia plicativa. Calyx campanulatus cylindricusve. DC. I. c. p . 479.
R . sanyuineum, foliis cordatis 3-5-lobis serratis venoso-lineatis rugosis : supra
pilosis: subtus tomentosis albicantibus, racemis laxe nutantibus,
floribus confertis, petalis oblongis, bracteis ovato-spathulatis longitudine
pedicellorum vel paulo longioribus, ovarium glanduloso-pilosum.
Ribes sanguineum. Pursh. flo r. amer. sept. v. 1. p . 164. D C . prodr. 3.
J». 482. Roem. et Schult. syst. 5. p. 4Q1. Spreng. syst. \ . p . QIX. Swt.
hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 239. B o t. reg. 1 .1349.
A stout tall-growing branching shrub: branches clothed
with short rough pubescence, on a glossy brown bark that
is much split and cracked on the lower part of the branches.
Scales 4, surrounding the young shoots at the base, oblong,
blunt, terminated by a short mucrone, becoming at length
more or less reflexed at the point, and recurved at the edges;
lower one shortest, tinged with red, smooth and glossy; upper
ones fringed along the edges, and of a paler colour.
Leaves 3 to 5-lobed, serrated, or sometimes doubly serrated,
with unequal teeth, hairy and rugged, on the upper side of
a darkish green; underneath densely clothed with soft wool,
which causes a whiteness, strongly nerved with numerous
pennately arranged nerves. Racemes many-flowered, crowded
in a close cluster at the end of the peduncle, more or less
nodding, rising as the flowers become expanded. Peduncle
not leafy, sometimes nearly double the length of the leaves;
at other times not so long as the leaves, of a red colour, thickly
clothed with rigid hairs, all of which are tipped with a
gland. Bractes ovately spathulate, bluntly rounded, hollow
on the upper side, thickly clothed with small glands, and
fringed with glandular hairs,of a dull red colour, much longer
than the pedicles when the flower first expands, but these
lengthen afterwards, and they are then nearly of a length.
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