ADENOPHORA verticillata.
Whorl-leaved Adenophora.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTATSTDRIA M O N O G Y N IA .
N atu ra lO rd e r. C AM P A N U L A C E JE . Brown prodr. fl.novw-holl.
p . 559.
A B E N O P H O R A . Suprà fol. 108.
A . verticillata, foliis radicalibus petiolatis subrotundo-ovatis serratis; caulinis
subsessilibus lanceolatis verticillatis, dentibus calycinis lineanbus
acutis, stylo corollà subtubulosà duplò longiori.
Adenophora verticillata. Fisch. adumb. gen. Aden. p . 5. Alph. D e Cand.
Monog. Camp. p . 356. „ „ , . . .
Campanula verticillata. P a ll. reis. 3. p . 719. t. 6 . f . 1. (bona) ed. gcdl. 4.
p . 376. i. 34. Linn. f r . Suppl. p . m . Lam. diet. 1. p . 582. Rcem.
e t Schult. syst. 5. p. 116. . . . ,
Campanula tetrapbylla. Thunb. f l . ja p . p . 81. ( e x Alpb. D e Cand.)
Root perennial, thick, and fibrous. Stems from two to
three feet high, perfectly straight, and simple, cylindrical,
smooth, and hollow, scarcely exceeding the thickness of a
crow-quill. Leaves smooth and shining, rather pale below;
radicalones rounded-ovate, sharply serrated, fiabellately nerved,
on long slender footstalks; those of the stem nearly sessile,
mostly in whorls of from three to six together, some-
times, especially towards the top of the stem, scattered,
lanceolate, acute, serrated from the middle upwards with
rather distant teeth, narrow, and attenuated towards the
base, of from two to three inches long. Flowers drooping,
disposed in a terminal racemose panicle, frequently arranged
in whorls, as the leaves. Teeth o f the calyx linear, or linear-
lanceolate, pointed, slightly scabrous, and entire, about halt
the length of the corolla, which is comparatively small, rather
tubular than campanulate, of a pale blue, with shallow
pointed lobes. Filaments elastic, narrow, linear and smooth
in their upper half, becoming broad, membranous, conni-
vent, and bearded towards the base. Anthers pale yellow,
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