CLÁRKIA pulchella.
Pretty Ctarkia.
Natural Order. O N A G R A R IÆ . D C . prodr. 3. p . 35.
Tribus I I I . O n a g r eæ . Fructus capsularis, loculis polyspermis, seminibus
non alatis. Calycis tubus ultrà ovarium productus. Stamina petalorum
numero dupla.— Herbæ interdùm basi suffruticulosoe.
C L A R K IA . Caí/a-tubulosas, 4-tìdus, omninò OEaoiAerce. P e ta la 4-
unguiculata. Stamina 8 ; alterna 4 , castrata. Stigma 4-partitum : lobis
subrotundis, petaloideis. Capsula 4-locularis.— Herbæ annuæ pulcherrimæ.
Foliis alternis, integerrimis. Floribus axillaribus, sessilibus, solitariis, amoenè
purpuréis, v. albis.
Clarckia pulchella. Pursh flor. amer. sept. 1. p . 260. t. 11. Nu tt. gen.
amer, 1. p . 249. Lindi, bot. reg. 1190. D C . prodr. 3. p. 52.
8. flore albo.
Annuat, erect, from a foot to eighteen inches in height,
branching. Stem round, or a little flattened in the young
branches, thickly clothed with short pubescence. Leaves alternate,
nearly sessile, tapering to both ends, entire, clothed
on both sides with short pubescence: lower ones lanceolate;
upper ones linear. Petiotes very short, pubescent. Ftowers
axillary, solitary, nearly sessile, varying from a light lilac,
to a bright reddish purple. Ovarium below the calyx, seated
on a short peduncle, slightly 8-furrowed, densely clothed
with a hoary pubescence. Calyx similar to Qfnothera, tubular,
4-cleft, pubescent, more or less tinged with purple, generally
split on one side for the expansion of the corolla:
segments lanceolate or linear, more or less connected. Petals
4, crossing each other, deeply 3-lobed, with a long slender
unguis, which is toothed on each side: lobes divaricately
spreading; the terminal one obovate, oblong, obtuse, crenulate
at the point; side ones ligulate, also crenulate. Stamens
8, four fertile and four sterile, the fertile ones alternate with
the petals, the sterile ones opposite to them, and scarcely
half the length of the fertile ones : Jitaments smooth, purple:
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