Peduncle half an inch in length: to/»e narrow at the base, and
inflated gradually upwards: segments six, narrow, about half
an inch in length, tapering to a point, green down the back,
that extends to the base of the tube ; the edges yellow, which
also extends nearly to the base, and gives an appearance of
being furrowed when growing, from the shadow of the yellow
on the green. Crown about three-fourths of an inch in length,
of a bright yellow, gradually spreading, and becoming wider
to the top, where its extent across is about an inch, sometimes
extending to three lines more, marked up the crown
with several deepish channels, which makes it rather uneven
at the top, and ridged inside : top entire, not lobed, or crenate
: tube and crown an inch and half in length. Stamens 6
jilaments inserted in the base of the perianthium, declining
the points curved upwards, and recurved a little inwards
anthers incumbent, versatile, or easily moved, curved. Ova
rium somewhat turbinate, cylindrical, 3-celled, 3-valved
ovula numerous, disposed in four rows, seated on two septa
in each valve. Style about the length of the stamens, also
first declining, but ascending at the end. Stigma capitate.
The Corbularias being natives of the South of Europe
chiefly, require a very slight protection in severe Winters ;
they thrive best in a light loamy soil, and a sheltered situation
; but also succeed well in pots, if treated as bulbous
frame plants. The present species, if occasionally transplanted
when the bulbs are quiescent, succeeds, also, in
the open ground.
1. Stamens. S ty le 2. .
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