Rose-coloured Habranthus.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A M A R Y L L ID EÆ . Broivn p rodr. 1. p . 296.
Subordo I I I . H i p p e a s t r e æ . Scapuscavus. Tubi faux arcta. S e mina
testa nigra. W. Herbert Bot. mag. vol. 52. 2606. p . ILL.
H A B R A N T H U S . Pa-ianthium declinatum, infundibuliforme, sub
sole patentior. Filamenta pariter ad faucem tubi inserta, declinata, recurvata,
fasciculata ; quaternâ longitudinis discrepantiâ. Antherie incumben-
tes. Stigma trifidum. W. Herbert Bo t. mag. toc. cit.
H . roseus, foliis anguste linearibus glaucis obtusiusculis supra canaliculatis
pedem longis 2 lineas latis scapo longior, scapo subcompresso profonde
solcato, spatha uniflora apice longe attenuata peduncolo longitudine,
pedunculi profonde sulcati, perianthium campanulatum patente.
Bulb ovate, subpyramidal, clothed with a dark brown
membranaceous scaly covering, which sheaths the leaves,
nearly an inch above the bulb. Leaves 3, in our specimen,
elongately and narrowly linear, bluntish at the point, glaucous,
deeply channelled on the upper side, about a foot in
length, and 2 lines broad. Scape erect, somewhat compressed,
deeply furrowed, 7 inches in height in our plant, which
was probably owing to its having been flowered in the greenhouse
; and there is no doubt but it is quite hardy. Spathe
very narrow, and tapering to a long slender point, about
the length of the peduncle, 1-flowered. Peduncle deeply
furrowed. Ovarium below the flower, 3-celled, 3-valved,
apparently few-seeded. Flower campanulate, spreading,
of a beautiful rose-colour, slightly striped with darker lines ;
upper segment narrow, acute, the 2 upper side ones broader,
and the 3 lower ones again narrower. Stamens 6, of various
lengths, inserted in the mouth of the tube, 2 very long, and
ascending at the points, 2 a little shorter, also ascending,
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