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ÀJAX pumilus.
Small G-lobed Ajax.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A M A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 296.
S e c t .V . N a e c is s in bæ . Radix bulbosa. Spatha monophylla. Flores
umbellati, multiflori v. solitarii. Perianthium tubulosum petaloideum, 6-
partitum, corouatum.
A J A X . Supra folio 101. ser. 2.
Div. * Minores, flaviflores, tubo longiusculo.—f Perianthii segmentis
A . pumilus, foliis latiusculis planis glaucis patentibus, perianthii segmentis
anguste obcuneatis distinctis, coronà ore sexlobà patulà minutissime
Ajax pumilus. Haworth in Sweet’s B ritish Flower Garden, at the end o f
vol. 1. second series, p . 1. edit. 2. p . 1.
Aja x cuneiflorus. Salisb. in Hort. trans. 1. p . 345. Haw. in Succ. suppl.
p . 113.
Narcissus pumilus. Pass. hort. hyem. p . 8. c. ic. Salisb. prodr. p . 220.
Besler hort. E y st. vern. 3. ord. fo l. 5 . / . 4.
Narcissus cuneiflorus. Schult. syst. v. 7. pars. 2. p . 937.
Narcissus hispanicus medius luteus. Theatrum Flora, t. 20.
Bulb small, covered with a thin brown bark. Leaves
considerably spreading, glaucous, broadish, slightly concave,
attenuated downwards towards the root, blunt at the
point, very much striated. Scape rather longer than the
leaves, flattened downwards, deeply striate. Spathefaeni-
branaceous, extending to the end of the tube, tapering to
the point. Ovarium bluntly triangular, of a deep green,
tapering downwards to the short pedicle. Perianthium
tubular; tube green on the outside, and yellow on the inner :
segments 6-parted, distinct, oblongly lanceolate, acute,
spreading, about the length of the crown, but scarcely extending
to the ends of the lobes, but a little longer than the
tube : crown inflated upwards, open at the mouth, 6-lobed,
the lobes unequally toothed, somewhat plaited, and a little
rugged on the inside. Stamens 6, of the same length ; Jilaments
inserted in the base of the tube, white, tapering upwards,
inserted into the back of the anthers, a little above
the base: anthers linear, all inclosed in the tube. Style
i'i M'x
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