ones lanceolate, pointed, entire; the two upper ones narrower,
erect, marked with yellow and dark purple stripes ;
the lower one variegated with crimson, broader, and spreading.
Atewzejjj 6 ; the three outer ones rather longer: filaments
slender, awl-shaped, smooth: anthers oblong, two-celled,
bursting lengthways; those of the outer stamens fade betöre
the^ three others are ripe. Ovarium somewhat sphe-
rical, with six prominent angles. Style slender, angular,
smooth, about the length of the stamens. Stigma trifid, with
narrow, blunt, papillary, recurved lobes.
_ Introduced by seeds from Chile, by Lady Oakes, in whose
interesting collection, at Mitcham, the plant flowered, for
toe hrst time, in July last. It is clearly the A. hæmantha of
Kuiz and Favon, who remark, that the species varies much
in colour, which induces us to believe, that they have, and,
prhaps, justly, included in it the A. Flos Martini, rosea, and
tricolor, s o m e others of similar habit, and equally dif-
hcuJt of definition. It is very nearly related to A. Simsii,
given at Tab. 267, of the first series of this work, and is
principally distinguished from it by the three outer leaves
ot the perianthium being serrated, which in that species are
nearly, if not quite entire. Found by Ruiz and Pavon, on
hills, and in waste grounds, in the Province of Rere, Chile
flowering m December and January.
We are obliged to Lady Oakes for the opportunity of
giving a figure and description of this elegant, and, hitherto,
little known plant, which appears to require the same treatment
as A. Simsii. D . Don Mss.
li Three inner Stamens. 2. Tliree outer ones. 3. Pistil.
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