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SCILLA præcox.
Early-flowered Squill.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. A s p h o d e l e a :. Brown p rodr. \ . p . 214.
SCLLLA. Perianthium, profunde 6-partitura, petaloideum, rotatum,
Eequale, patens, subdeciduum. Stamina 6 , sequalia. Filamenta filiformia
V . basi dilatata plana, basi segmentis inserta. Antherce posticm. Stylus filiformis,
erectis. Stigma simplex. Ovarium subrotundum, triloculare, trivalve,
pluriovulare. Capsula valvis medio septiferis ; loculis oligospermis.
Semina subglobosa atra.
S. prcecox, scapo angulato striato, racemo subcorymboso v . elongato, pedunculis
llore duplo v. triplo longioribus, bracteis obscuris.
S. praecox. Willd. spec. 2. p . 128. Link. enum. hort. her. 1. p . 327. Swt.
hort. brit. edit. L. p . 419. n. 9. E d . I I . p . 528. n. 14.
Hyacinthus germanicus liliiflorus stellatus. Pass, hort, hyem. 12. c. ie.bon.
Bulb smallish. Leaves 2 or 3, tapering to the base
towards the buib, considerabiy curved inwards where
they emerge from the ground, obiong, hoiiow on the upper
side, tapering to the point into a caiious mucro, giaucous,
striated with numerous iongitudinal iines, about 2 or 3
inches in iength, when the flowers begin to expand,
becoming ionger afterwards, and neariy 9 iines in breadth.
Scape somewhat anguiar, inciining to flattish, and strongiy
striated with numerous iines ; of a bright purpiish red
coiour; when first flowering, about three inches in height,
afterwards extending to the height of 5 or 6, the pedicies
extending in iength aii the time, some of the iower ones
becoming at iast of a great iength. Pedicles 2 or 3 times
ionger than the flower when in bioom, and of a red coiour,
produced from the top to the bottom of the scape, some
even from the axiis of the ieaves. Flowers about 10 lines
across, considerabiy iarger than S. bifolia, about the size of
S. amcenula, but iess than S. amæna, or S. sibirica, of a fine
dark bine, steiiateiy spreading : segmenls obiongiy ianceo-
iate, distinct : buds reà on the outside, before expansion.
Brades biunt, minute, quite inconspicuous. Slamens 6, inserted
near the base of the segments, and opposite to them.
Filamenls inserted in the back of the anthers, eared at the
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