Tijy^.Cina^th- fleE.
ADENÓPHORA intermedia.
Intermediate Adenophora.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. CA M P A N U L A C E A . Alph. D C . monog. Campan.
A D I IN O P H O R A . Calyx 5-fidus. Corolla campanulata vel infundi-
buliformis, apice 5-loba. Stamina inter se libera ; filaraentis erectis, mem-
branaceis, longis, valdè ciliatis, conniventibus et quasi cohmrentibus. Nec-
tarium cylindricum styli basi cingens. Stylus stepe exsertus, in alabastro
superne pilosus; pilis in 10 ordines dispositis, deindè glaber. Stigmata 3.
Capsula 3-locularis, lateraliter ad basin 3-valvis dehiscens. Semina ovata,
plùs minùsve complanata.— Herbae perennes, m l rarius biennes? radicibus
scepi edulibus (ex Fisch.) : caulibus erectis; foliis alternis vel rarius sub-
verticillatis; radicalibus petiolatis rotundatis; caulinis scepiùs sessilibus ;
superioribus angustioribus, brevioribus: floribus racemosis vel paniculatis,
terminalibus et axillaribus, pedicellatis, nutantibus; alabastris clavatis.
Alph. DC . mon. camp.
F Th 'h y J Ihtl^evrti,. . ''’ v
A. intermedia, foliis radicalibus petiolatis cordatis dentatis : caulinis lanceolatis
basi attenuatis serratis confertis : inferioribus breve petiolatis
elliptico-lanceolatis remote serratis : superioribus sessilibus acuminatis
argute serratis, floribus paniculatis nutantibus, stylo longissimo.
Adenophora intermedia. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 325.
Campanula stylosae aiHnis. Hort. Gorenk. ex Roemer et Schultes Syst. veget.
voi. 5. p . 110.
Campanula intermedia. Roem. et Schult. supra.
Perennial, producing several stems from the same root,
attaining, when the plant is strong, the height of 3 feet ; the
upper part paniculately branched, forming a panicle of numerous
flowers, a foot in length : branches angular, striate,
slender, but rigid, smooth, and glossy. Zeawci variable, smooth,
serrate, of a pale green : root ones on long petioles, cordate,
toothed : those on the lower partof the stem on short footstalks,
elliptic, or elliptically lanceolate, tapering to the base, more
or less acuminate, serrated with large rather distant teeth,
pennately or feather-nerved underneath, the nerves branched
: upper leaves sessile, lanceolate, acute, serrated with small
sharp teeth. Flowers of a pale blue, small, campanulate, scarcely
half the size of those of A. UUifolia, drooping. Bractes small,
broad at the base, tapering to the point. Peduncles short and
slender, furrowed, smooth, and glossy. Calyx superior, deeply
5-cleft, smooth ; the segments broadly lanceolate, serrate,
spreading, the points slightly reflexed. Corolla campanulate,
narrow at the base and widening upwards, of a pale
blue, slightly 5-cleft ; segments short, ovate, scarcely acute.