! 1-
Pretty Rhododendron.
Linnean Class Sf Order. P E N T -D E C A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. E R IC EÆ . D . Don prodr. fl. nep. p . 148.
Subordo I I I . R h o d o r a c e æ . D . Don loc. cit. p . 152.
R H O D O D E N D R O N . Supra folio 10. series 2.
S e c t.I I I . T s u t s d s i. Ffore« terminales, 1-3. Ca/yx5-partitus; segmentis
longis erectis angustis acutis. Coro/to tubulosa, rotata, 5-partita; segmentis
patentibus. Stamina 10, inæqualia adsoendentia aut sub-erecta.—Frútices
erecti aut patentes ramosi, sempervirentes aut sub-decidui; ramis virgatis,
junioribus pilosis. Po/îa birsuto-strigosa. P/ores terminales subsolitarii aut
R,. pulchrum, floribus 2-3 terminalibus, calyce erecto 5-partito birsutissimo ;
segmentis lineari-subulatis, staminibus subadscendentibus, stylo multo
brevioribus, foliis ellipticis acutis.
Rhododendron indicum y Smitbii. Swt. hort. brit. ed. 2. p . 343.
A handsome stout branching shrub : branches spreading,
densely clothed with glossy ferruginous hairs, close pressed
upwards to the stem. Leaves elliptic, acute, tapering to the
base, thickly clothed on the lower side with long ferruginous
hairs, all bending inwards, very much crowded on the nerves
and veins ; feather-nerved and reticulately veined ; upper side
less clothed with hairs, which are white, and nearly prostrate,
all pointing to the end of the leaf. Petioles rather
short, channelled a little on the upper side, and rounded
below, thickly clothed with ferruginous hairs, close pressed
to the stem. Flowers 2 to 3, terminal. Peduncles clothed
with feathered long white hairs, which give them a singular
appearance, not half the length of the leaves. Calyx deeply
5-parted, nearly to the base ; the segments erect, very long,
linear at the base, and terminating in a long subulate point,
thickly clothed and fringed with long, spreading, feathered
hairs. Corolla very large and handsome, above 2 inches in
V O L . I I .