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CALOPHÀNES oblongifolia.
Spotted-flowered Cellophanes.
Linnean Class and Order. D ID Y N A M IA A N G IO S P E R M IA .
N atu ra lO rd e r. A C A N T H A C EÆ . Brown p r o d r .1. p . 412.
C A L O P H A N E S . Calyx profundé 5-partitus, æqualis; laciniis subsetaceis.
CoroZZa infundibuliformis : /« « c e ventricosà, suboampanulatâ: limbo
5-lobo, subæquali. Stamina 4, antherifera, inclusa. Antherarum loculis pa-
rallelis, basi calcaratis. Stigmd simplex. Ovarii loculis dispermis. Capsula
teretiuscula, sessilis. Semina retinaculis subtensa.
Herbæ (Amer. Boreal.) perennes, caulibus erectis.
Flores axillares, solitarii, bibracteati. D . Don Mss.
C. oblongifolia, foliis spathulatis, corollæ tubo calyce subduplô breviori.
B . Bon Mss.
Ruellia oblongifolia. Mich.Jt. amer. bor. 2. p . 33. Pursh Jl. amer, septr. 2.
p . 420. E llio tt car. 2. p. 110.
R . biflora. Linn. s p .p l. 2. p . 886?
R . minore folio, floribus gemellis. B ill. elth. p . 331.
A dwarf, tufted, herbaceous perennial, with numerous
simple, slender, obtusely four-cornered stems, scarcely exceeding
half a foot in height, and clothed .with a soft hoary
pubescence. Root creeping. Leaves opposite, on very short
footstalks, perfectly entire, narrowed towards the base,
rounded at the apex, green above, paler and hoary beneath ;
lower ones obovate ; the upper ones oblong, or rather spathulate,
hardly an inch long. Flowers axillary, solitary, on very
short peduncles. Calyx deeply parted into five, long, slender,
subulate, rather bristle-shaped, segments, and furnished
at the base with two oblong leafy bractes. Corolla rather
longer than the calyx, funnel-shaped, ventricose, somewhat
campanulate, with five rounded, nearly equal, entire lobes,
slightly pubescent, of a pale azure ; the lower lobe marked
with numerous irregular, purple spots. Stamens 4, didynamous,
inclosed in the corolla. Filaments compressed, fringed,
dilated towards tbe base. Anthers erect, oblong, blunt,
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