OENOTHÈRA concinna.
Pencilled Tree Primrose.
Linnean Class and Order. O C T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. O N A G R A R IÆ . Juss. in ann. mus. 3. p. 315.
Trib. 3. O n a g r e æ . Dec. prodr. 3. p . 40.
OE N O T H E R A . Calycis apice tubuloso limboque 4-partito deciduis.
P e ta la 4. Stamina 8. Stigma 4-fidum, quandoque lobis connatis indivisum,
capitatum. Capsula adhærens, 4-locularis, 4-valvis, polysperma. Semina
angulata, nuda, placentæ centrali, demùm liberæ inserta. Plantæ (Americanæ)
plerumque herbaceoe. Folia alterna. Flores axillares, solitarii, raro
subspicati, terminales, sæpiùs fla v i. D . Don Mss.
OE . concinna, villosa ; foliis lanceolatis acuminatis dentatis, petalis bilobis,
capsulis arcuatis subteretibus quadricostatis, caule procumbente.
D . Don Mss.
The whole plant thickly clothed with soft, silky hairs.
Root apparently annual. Stems round, procumbent, much
branched, from a span to a foot and a half in length, purplish,
woody at the base. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, or
linear-lanceolate, acuminate, toothed, recurved and spreading,
slightly waved, scarcely narrowed at the base, from an inch
and a half to two inches long. Plowers axillary, solitary,
about twice the size of those of OE. rosea. Tube o f the calyx
quadrangular, shorter than the ovarium, of a pale rose-
colour. Segments lanceolate, pointed, hairy, generally
united by pairs, along their whole length. Petals 4, obcordate,
cloven at the top, rather longer than the calyx, of a
pale rose-colour, elegantly pencilled with branching veins,
of a deeper tint. Stamens 8, the alternate ones shorter.
Filaments slender, white. Anthers yellow, incumbent, mucronulate.
Ovarium quadrangular, narrow, equal, scarcely
half an inch long. Style filiform, white, longer than the
stamens. Stigma white, with 4, oblong, obtuse, spreading
lobes, the edges revolute, and the upper surface covered with
minute papillæ. Capsule nearly cylindrical, with four pro'