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LUPINUS Marshallianus.
Marshall’s hybrid Lupine.
Linnean Class and Order. M O N A D E L P H IA D E C A N D R IA .
Natural Order. L E G UM IN O SÆ . D C . prodr. 2. p . 93.
Subordo I . P A P IL IO N A C E Æ .— 3Vî6«s V . P haseoleæ. Supra
fol. 12. ser. 2.
L U P IN U S . Supra folio 12, series 2.
Jiih. T>y.r/irdgway. Ayr'ilJJit.
L Marshallianns, tomentoso-pilosis, caulibus suffrutescentibus patentibus
ramosus, foliis inferioribus 9-14-foliolatis ; superioribus 8-5-foliolatis:
foliolis subellipticis v. lanceolatis acutis sericeo-tomentosis, sbpulispe-
tiolo adnatis apice attenuatis piloso-ciliatis, floribus in verticilli congestis,
bracteis angustis longe attenuatis fiore longioribus.
Stem suffrutescent, much branched, the branches spreading,
if not supported, clothed with soft woolly and silky
hairs, as is every other part of the plant, leaves, petioles,
stipules, bractes, and calyx. Leaves varying much in their
number of leaflets, on the lower part of the stem from 9 to
14, and decreasing in number as they approach the flower
stem: leaflets varying from elliptic to narrowly lanceolate,
sharp-pointed, clothed with a silky tomentum, channelled
on the upper side, regularly and flatly spreading. Peduncles
longer on the bottom leaves, and frequently purple, sheathing
the stem at the base, particularly on the young shoots
before the flowers appear: upper ones shorter, and less purple,
tapering upwards, the leaflets proceeding from a knot
at the point. Stipules ]om&di a considerable way up the petiole,
but ending in loose, more or less elongated acute points.
Spike of flowers from 8 to 18 inches in length, the scape between
the flowers much angled, and more or less tinged with
purple. Flowers crowded in whorls, with now and then a
single one between, generally 6 in a whorl, hut not so many
towards the top. Bractes very long and slender, and tapering
to a long point, extending beyond the flowers. Pedicles
short, or scarcely any. Calyx 2-lipped; upper lip ovate,
two-lobed: lower one oblongly ovate, acute, bearing a small
bracte on each side. Ve.villuni blue, white at the base. Ala
or wings pale blue, striped with darker. Keel acute, upper
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