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1 6 6 . 166
DIANTHUS aggregatus.
Crowded Pink.
Linnean Class and Order. D E C A N D R IA D IG Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. C A R Y O P H Y L L E A : . J u s s . g m . p . 2 9 9 .
Tribus I . S IL E N EM . Sepala coalita in tubum cylindraceum apice 4-5-
dentatum. D C . prodr. 1. p. 351.
D IA N T H U S . Suprà fol. 23. Series 2.
Sect I. A r m e r i a s t e u m . Flores capitati vel corymbosi, sessiles vel
pedunculati. _ ■ ■ , , ■
§. 3. Bracteis ovatis vel lanceolatis, calycibus vix striatis glabris.
D . aggregatus, floribus aggregatis sessilibus, squamis calycinis ovatis longè
cuspidatis membranaceis tubo longioribus, foliis lanceolatis ciliato-
scabris nervosis, caule asperiusculo.
Dianthus aggregatus. P o ir. supp. 1. p . 124. B C . p ro d r .1. p . 356. Swt.
hort. brit. ed. 2. p . 49.
Perennial. Stems upright, branched, somewhat woody
at the base, slightly angular and scabrous, strongly knotted
at the joints. Hranc/ie« terminated by one or more fascicles
offlowers. ieaweiopposite, lanceolate, acute,faintly 5-nerved,
attenuated towards the base, where they are connate; margins
rough, with short rigid glandular hairs; smooth on both
sides, and of a dark green colour; those of the leaf-shoots
broader andoblong; of the flower-stems lanceolate, and sharper
at the point; the uppermost almost serrulate at the edges.
Flower-stems bluntly angular, the branches terminated by a
simple or 2 or 3 forked close head of flowers. Flowers
many, aggregate, sessile, or nearly so, with numerous
bractes, which are linear, taper-pointed, membranous towards
the base, and fringed. Scales at the base of the calyx,
four, broad at the base and membranaceous, tapering to a
long subulate point, a little longer than the tube of the calyx
and slightly fringed. Calyx tubular, smooth, somewhat
rugose, marked, 5-toothed ; teeth straight, ovate, tapering to
a slender point. Petals 5, spreading flat, very broad and
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