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Large-Flowered Slipper-wort.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. S C R O P H U L A I lIN A i. Brown prodr. v . \ . p . Aà'ò.
Sect. I I . S T AM IN A 2 A n t h e r i f e r a .
C A L C E O L A R IA . Supra folio 130, series I I .
C.pettdtite, herbácea ; foliis latis oblongo-obovatis ovatisve inæqualiter serrato
dentatis suprà pilosis inferioribus petiolatis : superioribus sessilibus
acutiusculis, segmentis calycinis lato-ovatis quinquenerviis, corollæ
labio inferiore maculato 5-crenato penduto maximo.
Stem about 18 inches in height, of a purple colour at the
base, and some way up the stem, the green beginning just
above the fork of the branches, thickly clothed with spreading
woolly hairs, that are very unequal in length, as are also
those on the small branches, peduncles, and segments of the
calyx. Leaves from the root, and a little way up the stem,
petiolate, very broad and obovate; petioles winged on each
side. Corymbs forked and panicled. Peduncles slender, pendulous
from the weight of the flower, joined to the peltate
calyx. Cfl/j/d? 4-cleft, segments broadly ovate, scarcely acute,
5-nerved, spreading, or a little reflexed when in flower. Corolla
2-lipped; upper Up very small, hairy, rounded at the
back, tapering up to a small round mouth, bearded in the
throat with long white hairs, and marked downwards with
reddish purple spots; lower lip very large, and inflated at
the back; the lappet or cover that stops up the hole of the
tube, is elegantly marked with purple lines. Stamens 2 ;
Jilaments inserted in the base of the upper lip ; short, thick,
and fleshy, tapering to the point that is inserted into the
base of the anthers: anthers two-lobed; lobes egg-shaped,
white, oval, furrowed on the outside, and each bending
downwards towards each other. Ovarium thickly clothed
with hispid hairs, 2-valved, 2-celled.
This species of Calceolaria is a native of Chiloe, and differs
from C. crenatijiora, by its large pendulous lower lip, and
its 5-crenaled crown, which in Q,. crenatiflora is suberect or
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