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T Ü L IP A maleolens.
Unpleasant-scented Tulip.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. T U L IP A C E iE . K th . s y n o p s . 1. p . 2 S 2 .
T U L IP A . Supra folio 97, series I I . vol. I.
Sect. I . Bulbis subsolitariis sæpissimè divisis aut cumuloso-congestis ;
non repentibus : fibris filiformibus, densè congestis. Floribus solitariis sæpè
colore variegatis. Perianthii segmentis acuminatis obtusisve, latis aut angustis,
apice et basi plus minusve pilosis v. tomentosis, aut nudis.
To this section belongs the T. Oculus Solis, T. Bonorotiana, A .præcox,
T . pubescens, T. Gesneriana, which have been published before in our former
numbers.—T. turcica belongs to the second section, with creeping roots,
and is frequently confounded by foreign Botanists with T. cornuta ; but the
T. turcica 0Î Roth is the Florentine Tulip, which, he observes, differs from
T. sylvestris only in size.
T . maleolens, scapo foliis breviore glabro, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis basi et
apice attenuatis subundulatis glaucis marginibus ciliatis suprà canaliculatis
subtùs suhcarinatis, perianthii foliolis exterioribus longioribus
ovatis V . ovato-ohlongis acuminatis ; interioribus elliptico-obovatis obtusis,
maculò báseos late rhomhoideò emarginatà.
Tulipa maleolens. Bertol. in litt, ad Schultes. Reboul. Nonn. sp. Tul.not.
p . 9. in App. Schult, syst. p a r. 1. p. 376. 1829.
8. variegata, floribus rubro-purpureis flavis stramineis cupreis etpallide-
glaucis intermixtis.
Bulb pure white, sometimes partly covered with a glossy
brown deciduous shell. Leaves clasping the scape, oblongly
lanceolate, attenuated to the base and point, somewhat undulate,
glaucescent, and ciliated on the margins: channelled
on the upper side; and somewhat keeled on the lower. Scape
slender, frequently .3-leaved, smooth and glossy, the points
of the leaves frequently extending above the scape. Perianthium
petaloid; three outer leaflets longest, ovate, or
oblongly ovate, taper-pointed, of a pale brownish red colour
on the outside, and slightly glaucous, edged with a
pale orange or copper colour, inner side of a pale yellow,
inclining to copper, marked at the base with a large rhomboid
spot, of a pale green, emarginate on each side, and yellow
at the base: three inner leaflets elliptically obovate,
rounded at the points, and obtuse: channelled up the back.
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