LOÂSA nitida.
G lossy-leaved Loasa.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. LO A SEÆ . Juss. in ann. mus. 5. p. 21.
L O A S A . Suprà fol. 192, series 2.
L nitida hispida ; foliis oppositis cordato-oblongis sinuato-lobatis den-
■ ta tis ,’laciniis calycinis elongatis, petalis saccate : appendicibus exteriorum
lanceolatis acuminatis medio aristatis. B . Bon Mss.
Loasa nitida. L a m . diet. 3. p . 581.
c 5 ». 25. i. 2 . / . 2. Persoon syn. 2. p . l l . Bot. mag j . 2312. Hook,
e'xot.fl. 1. t. 83. Hook, et Arnott in bot. misc. 3. p. 328.
L. tricolor. K e r in bot. reg. t. 067.
L. acanthifolia. Ejusd. 1 .185?
L. P la c e i. Lindi, in hort. trans. 6. p . J5 ?
Root annual. Stems much branched and spreading, which,
as well as the rest of the plant, are copiously clothed with
long, straight, stimulating bristles, intermixed with short
haim. Leaves opposite, cordate, oblong, more or less deep y
lobed and toothed, from 3 to 6 inches long; lower ones stalked
; upper ones sessile, slightly embracing the stem. Flowers
solitary, axillary or terminal, drooping Peduncles filiform,
bristly, an inch to an inch and a half long. Calycine segments
Xmeax-XaxweoXate, attenuated, spreading. OuLer b petals
rather longer than the calyx, of an orange yellow, hollow,
saccate, bristly, with a narrow channelled claw; the
inner ones short, white, marked with a crimson spot at the
middle, cucullate, bifid, dilated towards the base the edges
involute. Appendages lanceolate, acuminate, white with a
large crimson blotch, furnished on the outer edge, about the
middle, with a long, slender, capillary bristle. Sterile stamens
white dilated and fringed at the base, prolonged into a bristle
at the apex. Anthers yellow. Ovarium 5-celled, crowned
by a tuft of bristly hairs. Style awl-shaped, hairy at the
base'. Stigma undivided, obtuse.