DRŸPIS spinosa.
P rk k ly Drypis.
N a tu ra lO rd e r. C A R Y O P H Y L L E A : . D C . prodr. 1. p . 351.
Tribus I . S IL E N E M . Sepala coalita in tubum cylindraceum apice
4-5-dentatum. „ , • i . r
D R Y P I S . Catex tubulosus 5-dentatus. P e í a t e 6, unguiculata, tauce
bidentatà, limbo bipartito. Stamina 5. S ty li 3. Capsula 1-locularis cir-
cumcissa abortu monosperma. D C . prodr. 2. p . 388.
Drypis spinosa. Linn. spec. 390. Willden. sp. 1. p . 1513. J y iq . hart
vind. 1. i. 49. Lam. ill. t. 214. Pers. syn. 1. p . 331 Hort. Kew. ed. 2.
V. 2. p. 175. Rcem. et Schult. syst. 6. p . 680. DC. pro d i. 1. p . 388.
Botan. magaz. 2216. Spreng. syst. 1. p . 942. G. Don, gen. syst. of
gard. and bot. l . p . 418.
A thick, spreading, suffrutescent plant, much branched,
and remaining several years ; branches extending round to a
considerable distance, 4-sided, smooth and glossy, ascending.
Leaves opposite, linear-subulate, rigid, terminating m a
sharp spine, remaining persistent on the old stems, but turn-
ino- dry and brown. Flowers numerous, pale lilac, terminating
tile branches in a many times forked cyme. Brades
lanceolate, taper-pointed, broad at the base, with 2 or 3 long
spiny teeth on each side. Calyx tubular, striated, 5-toothed
the teeth short, with membranaceous margins. 1 etals 5, witti
a long slender unguis : limb deeply 2-parted, and 2-toothed,
or crowned at the base : Mei lanceolate, bluntish. Slamem o,
longer than the petals : Jilaments smooth and slender. Ovarium
swooûi. SlylesZ, short, and slender. Sligmas simple.
A native of Italy, and Barbary. The plant has been generally
regarded as a biennial, but there is no doubt of its
being perennial ; for the one whence our figure was taken,
has stood, for upwards of ten years, on the rock-work, m the
Botanical Garden, at Chelsea, where it still continues to
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