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Copper-coloured Streptanthera.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. IR ID EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 302.
S T R E P T A N T H E R A . SpathahivaWis, membranacea,sublacera,ari-
do-sphacelata. Perianthium 6-partitum, corollaceum : tubo brevissimo :
limbo regulari rotato. Stamina 3 , tubo inserta : filamentis erectis ; antheræ
tortæ stylo inclusæ. Stigmata 3, dilatata, biloba, fimbriata. Semina globosa.
Sw t. b r .f l. gard. ser. l . f o l . et t. 209.
S. cuprea, foliis ensiformibus acutis striatis medio excisis, scapo 2-4-floro,
perianthii laciniis ovatis obtusis carinatis supra basin intus bimaculatis.
Streptanthera cuprea. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2. p . 501.
Stem about a span high, leafy below, producing 2 or 3 scapes.
Leaves distichous, sword-shaped, acute, mucronate, the mucrone
bent a little on one side, ribbed up the centre on both
sides, and striated with numerous prominent longitudinal
lines, cut in from about the middle downwards ; lower ones
smallest, but of the same form ; those on the scape sheathing
the stem a great part of their length. Scape smooth,
somewhat flexuose, 2 to 4-flowered. Spathe 2-valved, membranaceous,
jagged a little at the point, the segments generally
terminated in an acute point ; outer one largest, marked
with numerous reddish brown lines and patches ; the inner
ones bifid at the end. Perianthium 6-parted, petal-like : tube
short and slender, purple : segments of the limb deeply parted,
spreading widely open when expanded, closely imbricate,
ovate, blunt at the ends, keeled down the back ; the outer
ones with the strongest keel, of a yellowish copper colour,
purple at the base, and bearing a pale yellow spot on each
side. Stamens 3, inserted in the mouth of the tube : jilaments
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