LILIÜM Catesbæi.
Catesby s Lily.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
N a tu ra lO rd e r. L IL IA C EÆ . Brown p ro d r .1. p. 295. in notâ.
L IL IU M . Perianthium 6-phylliim, coloratum, cleciduuin: foliolis basi
sulco nectarifero plerumque exaratis. Stylus elongatus. Stigma indivisum.
Capsula trigona, 3-locuÌaris, 3-valvis, polysperma. Semina complanata,
margine obtusa : testâ spongiosâ.
Plantæ (hemisphærii boreal, zonis temperatis propriæ) hulhosoe, bulbis
squamatis. Eolia nunc verticillata. Flores colore vario, nequaquàm coerulei.
D. Don Mss.
L. Catesbcei, foliis sparsis, flore erecto solitario, perianthii foliolis lanceolatis
acuminatis undulatis; unguibus angustatis laminà dimidio brevioribus.
D . Don Mss.
Lilium Catesbmi. Walt. car. p. 123. Willd. sp. p l. 2. p. 86. Mich. Jl. bor.
amer. 1. p . 197. Bo t. Mag. t. 259. Dryandcr in hort. kew. 2. p . 241.
Pursh Jl. amer. septr. 1. p . 228. .
L. carolinianum. Lam. encycl. 3. p . 554.
L. spectabile. Salisb. ic. rar. t. 5.
L. carolinianum, flore croceo punctato, petalis longioribus et angustioribus.
Catesb. car. 2. t. 58.
Bulb round, rather larger than a walnut. Stem upright,
simple, round, smooth, purplish, seldom exceeding a foot
and a half in height. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, or linear-
lanceolate, acute, an inch or two in length, smooth, and
even, sometimes, but.rarely, verticillate. Flowers erect, solitary,
campanulate, large, and showy. Leaves o f the perianthium
rather open and spreading, lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate, smooth and naked, wavy at the margin, the
mints recurved; the colour of an orange scarlet, with a
arge, round, yellow blotch, marked with several orbicular,
dark brown spots at the base of each lamina; the underside
of a dull yellow. Claws narrow, linear, incurved, greenish,
about half the length of the lamina; the alternate ones compressed.
Stamens 6, nearly equal, shorter than the perian-
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