BERBERIS nervosa.
Nerved-leaved Barberry.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. B E R B E R ID E 2E . DC. syst. nat, v. 2. p . 1.
B E R B E R I S . Suprà fol. 100.
Sect. I I . M a h o n i a . Suprà fo l. 94.
B . nervosa, foliis 5-8-jugis cum impari : foliolis ovato-oblongis acuminatis
sub-5-nerviis margine copiosè dentato-spinosis, petiolis elongatis basi
squamatis, racemis elongatis erectis, filamentis apice bi-dentatis. D.Don
B e r b e r i s nervosa. Pursh f l . am e r.sep t.1. p . 219. i. 5. (folia tantùm). Hook,
f l . amer. 1. p. 29.
Mahonia glumacea. D C . syst. nat. v . 2. p . 21. P rodr. v . l . p . 199.
Mahonia nervosa. G. Don, gen. syst. o f gard. and bot. 1. p . 118.
Berberis glumacea. Schult. s y s t .l . p.,19. Spreng. syst. 2. p . 129. Swt.
hort. brit. add. p . 584.
Stem shrubby, scarcely 6 inches high, divided, round,
smooth, and glossy. Leaves from a span, to a foot long, im-
pari-pinnate. Leaflets from 5 to 8 pair, with an odd one,
nearly sessile, oblong, dilated, and some nearly an inch and
a half broad at the base, and from one and a half to two
and a half inches long, generally oblique, tapering to a long
slender point, and terminated by a long sharp spinous point ;
of a dark green colour, smooth and glossy on the upper side ;
the under side paler, furnished with 5 distinct nerves, which
ramify throughout the leaf ; margins furnished with from
7 to 9 sharp spiny teeth on each side. Petioles elongated,
cylindrical, of a dark brown colour, smooth, and glossy, dilated
at the base, with membranaceous edges, clasping the
stem, the membrane terminating on each side in a sharp upright
tooth. Rachis cylindrical, with knotty joints. Scales
several, cartilaginous, persistent, lanceolate, tapering to a
long slender point, rolled inwards at the edges, from an inch
and a quarter, to an inch and a half in length, dark brown.
Racemes several, from 3 to 5 inches long, surrounded at the
base with the persistent scales. Pedicles crowded, sometimes
scattered, or rarely verticillate, smooth, each springing from