ÌRIS reticulata.
Netted Iris.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natura lOrd e r. IR ID EÆ . Brown p r o d r . p . 302.
I R I S . Suprà fol. 11. et 56. series 2.
I . reticulata, imberbis ; perianthii segmentis interioribus lanceolato-spathu-
latis erectis elongatis, stigmatibus obtusis bilobis, foliis tetragonis, radice
bulbosà. D . Ron Mss.
Iris reticulata. Marsch. à Bieb. f l . taur. cauc. 1. p . 34. Cent, plant, rar.
ross. 1. i. 11. Roem. et Schult. syst. 1. p . 480.
ISartde.1. JUb.
Root an ovate bulbous tuber, covered with several reticulated
brown coats. Leaves issuing from a double spathaceous,
pointed, keeled, membranous, unequal sheath, long, slender,
hollow, tetragonal, glaucous, copiously furnished with minute,
white dots, terminated by a white point, from a span
to a foot or more in length; the sides concave, smooth, with
a conspicuous nerve, and blunt angles. Flowers solitary,
purple. Peduncle scarcely an inch long, 3-sided, compressed.
Spathe composed of two, unequal, linear, mucronate,
keeled, cartilaginous, nerved valves; the edges scariose,
and convolute; the inner one smaller, obvolute, inclosed.
Perianthium, the tube slender, obtusely 3-sided;
about an inch and a half long, greenish white, and furrowed,
the angles marked with a blue line: outer segments oblong,
rather cuneiform, spreading, concave, with a stout greenish
midrib, the ground of a pale purple, marked with deeper
coloured veins, apex recurved, and slightly mucronulate, of
a deep violet, rather inclining to blue towards the centre,
which is furnished with an oblong orange spot, marked with
violet dots; 3 inner ones erect, longer, lanceolate, or somewhat
spathulate, bluntish, slightly waved, narrowed towards
the base, of a uniform purple. Ovarium with 3 blunt angles,
each furnished with an elevated ridge. Stigmata oblong,
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