SANGUINÀRIA grandiflòra.
Large-Jlowered Puccoon, or Bloodwort.
L i n n e a n Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA
Natural Order. P A P A V E R A C E A : . D C . syst. veg. n a t.y . 2. p . 69.
S A N G V IN A R IA . Sepala 2 ovata, concava, petalis breviora, caduca.
P e ta la 8 (v. 12.) oblonga, alterna interiora angustiora. Stamina 24
V . 36. : filamentis filiformibus : antheris linearibus bilocularibus basi insertis.
Ovarium oblongum, compressum; stigmate crassiusculo b.sulcato
persistente coronatum. Capsula bivalvis, oblongo, utrinque acuta, valvis
deciduis, placentis 2 persistentibus.-Herbm (Boreali-Americana) su c^
sanguineo Jceta, radice perenni a d oollum è gemmà bivalvi folium unicum
V. binum scapumque uniflorum quotannis agente.
Truncus subterraneus, vulgò R adix, est acris narcoticus, etiam emeticus,
externè applicatus escaroticus, a medicis Aniericanis saipe et feliciter adhi-
bitus. Confer Scluepf med. amer. bot. 85. Smith trans, lond. med. soc. 1.
p . 179.
S . grandiflora, foliis reniformibus basi spathaceis glaucescentibus subsep-
temlobatis reticulato-venosis ; supra glabriusculis : subtus pallide ruben-
tibus ; lobis basi rotundatis ; 3 superioribus trilobis ; inferioribus sublo-
batis obsolete lato crenatis, sepalis ovatis concavis apice retusis ruben-
tibus, petalis octo elliptico-ovatis obtusis concavis basi breve attenuatis
Sanguliaria^graiidiflora. Rose. flo r. illus. seas. t. 8. Swt. hort. brit. edit. 2.
addend, p . 585. See P a p a v e r a c e ì e .
Root tuberous, variable in form, branching round m various
shapes and sizes, oblique or horizontal, filled with totid
iuice,ofa red colour. Re«/rooii fibrous, slender, ieamabout
3 inches or rather more across from the base and 2 long
from the petiole to the end : proceeding direct from the root,
always 2 in the present species, the scape raising between
them: reniform or kidney-shaped, generally 7-lobed, glaucescent
on both sides, reticulately veined : a strong vein
proceeding up each lobe from the pedicle : upper side somewhat
glabrous; under one more or less tinged with red ;
when young, the leaves, footstalks, and buds, are all quite
of a red colour, which distinguishes it from the other two
species with which we are acquainted: 3 upper lobes more
or less 3-lobed, the opening between them broad, and rounded
at the base, generally entire: lower ones broad, more or less
lobed, or thinly notched with broad shallow rounded notches.
Petioles or leaf-stalks, rounded below, tapering upvvards,
slightly flattened, but not furrowed where it is connected to
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