Ten . synop. flo r . neap. Id . Syrmpsis nova-
rum plantarum quag in Prooromo Florae
NeapoUtanap, 1811— 1813. 4 to . Napoli.
T h ea tr. flo r . Theatrum .Flor2e in quo ex
toto orbe selecti flores, e tc . 1 vol. fol.
P a r is , 1622. A famous refe r en c e for
lost and little known species o f Narcissi.
Tournef. cor, Tournefort (J o seph P itton
d e) Corollarium institutionum rei her-
bariai. P a r is , 1703, 4to.
T r a tt. ta bular. Trattinick (L eop .) Obser-
vationes botanicae Tabularium rei herba-
riee illustrantes, 4to. Vienna>, 1811.—
2 e t 3 ,1 8 1 2 .
T rew flo r . ima g in es. Trew (Christ. J a c .)
Florae Imagines, fol. N o rim b e rg o i.-------
O n e or two rare species o f Narcissi are
figured in this w ork, and numerous other
splendid flowers. For the frequent r e ference
to this work we are obliged to
A . B . Lambert, Esq.
T r ew p i. selec. E h r . Id . Plantag selectae ab
Eh ret pictae, 1 vol. fol. per decad. 2.
1750 and 1773.
V a h l. enum. Vahl (Martinus.) Enumeratio
plantarum, 2 vol. in 8vo. Ha vn ic e. -
1. 1805. 2 . 1806.
W a h len , carpath. Wahlenberg (G e o r g .)
Flora Carpathorum praecipuorum, 1 vol.
in 8vo. G o ttin gw , 1814.
W a ld s . e tK i t . p l . h u n g . Waldstein (F ranc.)
e t Kitaibel (P a u l.) Descriptiones e t
icon es plantarum rariorum Hiingarias,
3 vol. fol. V ien nw , 1. 1802.— 3. 1812.
W a l t . f l . car. Waiter (Thom.) flora Caro-
liniana. L o n d in i, 1788, 8vo.
W illd . enum. Willdenow (Car. L u d .) En umeratio
plantarum horti bot. Berolinen-
sis, 2 vol. 8vo. B e ro lin i, 1819.—Suppl.
W illd . sp. p la n t. Id . S p e c ies plantarum
C. Linnaei. ed post Richard, quinta.
Vol. 5, in 8vo. B e ro lin i. 1st. part.
1. 1797, e t 5. 1810.