HERMIONE tereticaulis.
Snowflake-leaved Hermione.
Linnean Class and Order. H E X A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. AM A R Y L L ID EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 296.
Div. I . R a d ix bulbosa. Flores spsethacei, umbellati, rarò solitarii.
Sect. V . N a e c i s s in ìe . Suprà fol. 145. series 2 ?
H E RM LO N E . Suprà fol. 118. series 2 ?
B i v . ** RO TU L IF LO RÆ . S egm en tis p e r ia n th ii ro tu la rib u s, coronâ cu-
p u la r i. Elores lutescentes v . ochroleuci.
H . tereticaulis, umbellâ 5-8-florâ, foliis lineari-loratis carinatis striatis
suprà concavis viridescentibus, perianthii segmentis imbricatis ovato-
rotundis alternis mucronatis tubo brevioribus, coronò citrinâ patulâ sub-
lobatâ margine integerrimâ, scapo teretiusculo fistuloso obsoletè striatulo.
Hermione tereticaulis. Haworth synops. succ. narcis. rev. p . 140. Narciss.
monog. p . 14.
Hermione leucoiifolia. Salisb. Hort. trans, v . l . p . 359.
Narcissus tereticaulis. Haw. in Linn, trans, v. 5. p . 245.
Narcissus orientalis (a.) K e r Bot. Magaz. 1 .1298.
Bulb nearly pear-shaped, rather small in this genus, and
'so resembling that of the common Citroniere, (not Primo-
Citroniere,) as only to be distinguished, when dry, by the
best practical gardeners. Leaves 4 to 6, linear-lorate, furnished
below with a blunt channelled keel, striated on both
sides, but mostly so underneath; concave on the upper side,
particularly towards the base, becoming gradually less so
upwards, flattened near the apex, which is not acute, but
somewhat attenuated; of a pale but glossy green, or very
slightly glaucescent, some nearly 18 inches long, about
three fourths of an inch in breadth near the base. Scape
hollow, or fistulous, apparently generally about the length
of the leaves, very much rounded, particularly at the base,
becoming slightly flattened just below the umbel, more on
one side than the other. Spathe membranous, also striate,
terminating in a narrow point, rather longer than the peduncles.
Peduncles varying in length, from an inch and a
half to 2 inches, and even more. Ovarium dark green,
acutely triangular, 3-celled, 3-valved, with 2 rows of obovate
ovules thickly arranged on the 2 septums. Tube of the
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