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Ornamental Azalea.
Class and Order. P E N T -D E C A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. E R IC EÆ . D . Don flo r, nepal. p . 148.
Subordo I I I . RHODORACEÆ. D . Don loc. cit. p. 152.
R H O D O D E N D R O N . Supra fol. 10, series 2 .
Sect. I I . A z a l e a . Corolla basi tubulosa, infundibuliformis. Stamina
5. Frútices v. Arborescentes, plerique décidais; ramis ptloso-liispidis.
Eolia oblonga, mata v. elliptica, pilosa. Flores corymbosi, speciosi, colme
R . ornatum, foliis obovato-ellipticis lanceolatisve acutis apice cartilagiueo-
mucronatis basi attenuatis ; supra glabris nitidis mar in e cdiatis ; neryo
subtus setigero ; pedunculis villoso-viscosis, corollis externe pilosis,
calycis dentibus brevibus inæqualibus obtusis, staminibus longe ex-
Azalea pontica-rubescens. Gowen in lilt. , , . , , ,
1. a. specidsum, leaves elliptically obovate, green on both sides ; peduncles
rather longer than the bractes ; tube of the corolla of an orangy red,
upper segment of the limb yellow, the others of a reddish orange.
2. 8. incarnàtum, leaves narrower, elliptical, scarcely inclining to obovate;
peduncles about the length of the bractes : tube blush with red lines :
upper segment of the limb yellow tipped with white, the others pale
pink tipped with white. .
3. y. lùteum, leaves elliptically obovate, pale green on the upper side,
paler and slightly glaucescent underneath ; peduncles scarcely longer
than the bractes ; tube of the corolla tinged with red, limb pale yellow,
slishtlv tinged with blush, the upper segment of the deepest ye low.
4. i. â seum , leaves elliptic or lanceolate, green on the upper side, and
glaucescent underneath ; bractes longer than the peduncles ; tube and
segments o f the limb of a pale rose : upper segment yellow edged with
Stem shrubby, much branched: branches short, rigid,
thickly clothed with woolly hairs. Leaves deciduous, elliptically
obovate, tapering to the base, and fringed at the
edo-es, of a bright green on both sides ; the upper side
smooth and glossy, but bearing a few hairs; underneath
rather paler, and clothed with bristly hairs along the midrib,
which bend inwards, feather-nerved, and tipped with
a short brown horny mucrone. Petioles short, flattened on
the upper side, and rounded below, very hairy. Corymbs
terminal, many-flowered, surrounded at the base by niime-
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