PHLOX corymbosa.
Corymhose-filowered Lychnidea.
Natural Order. P O L EM O N IA C EÆ . D . D m obs. on Polemon. j>.4 .
P H L O X . Supra fol. 29 et 190.
P . corymbosa, caule erecto pubescente superne ramoso, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis
acuminatis undulatis subtus pubescentibus margine scabris, co-
rymbis paniculatis, dentibus calycinis subulatis, corollæ laciniis ro-
Pblox corymbosa. Hortulanorum.
Perennial. Stem erect, in strong soil attaining the height
of three or four feet, densely clothed with a short pubescence,
at first 4-sided, but the lower part becoming round and
smooth by age, branched with numerous short slender branches
above the middle, more or less purple. Leaves on very short
footstalks, or nearly sessile, opposite, oblongly-lanceolate, tapering
to a slender point, also tapering towards the base, but
rounded off at the footstalk, more or less undulate, pinnately
nerved, the veins all connected within the margin, and forming
arches, reticulately veined underneath and the nerves
pubescent, flic margins very rough. Corymbs terminal, panicled,
the branches many-flowered. Flowers fragrant, of a
purple lilac, with a white star at the base. Bractes narrowly
lanceolate, tapering to a slender point. Pedicles short, thinly
clothed with a short pubescence, purple. Calyx tubular,
meinbranaeeoiis between the teeth wliich are subulate, and
dark purple. Corolla tubular, with a 5-cleft, spreading limb :
tube slender, curved, more than twice the length of the laciniae
of the limb, which are spreading, broadly obovate,
rounded, at first flat and imbi icate, afterwards the margins
become revolute, and distinct. Stamens 5, inserted in different
parts of the tube, the points of two only exserted ; Jila-
E 2