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AQUILÈGIA Garnieriana.
Miss Garnier s Columbine.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA P E N T A G Y N IA .
Natural Order. R A N T IN G U L A C E iE . B C . reg. veg. syst. \ . p . 121.
Tr ibusIV. H E L L E B O R E JE . iEstivatio calycis et corollae imbricata.
Petala nunc 0, nunc irregularia bilabiata nectarifera. Calyx petaloideus.
Carpella capsularia intùs dehiscentia polyspenna. B C . prodr 1 m 44
A Q ULLEGLA. Supra folio 55, series 2.
A . Garnieriana, calcaribus apice involutis petalis multo longioribus apice
nodosis, capsulis intùs pilosis, caule paniculato-ramoso tenuiter piloso,
sepalis rotundo-ovatis obtusis subemarginatis, foliis caulinis inferioribus
ternatis; foliolis tripartitis cuneato-trilobis obtuse dentatisi superiori-
bus tripartitis; segmentis lobatis integerrimisque apice emarginatis,
bracteis oblongis obtusis.
Perennial. Root-leaves ternate: leaflets petiolate, deeply
3-parted, broadly wedge-shaped, or dilated at the ends,
more or less lobed, those on the lower part of the stem ternate,
the leaflets deeply divided into 3 segments, which are
very broad, and lobed with wedge-shaped lobes, more or
less toothed, and terminated with a little notch at the ends,
underneath much veined with branching veins, and bearing
a sort of farinaceous powder : upper leaves ternate or deeply
3-parted, the leaflets oblong with a notch at the ends, some
notched a little towards the end, others entire. Petioles on
the stem-leaves dilated at the base, and hollow on the upper
side, occasioned by the membranaceous edges which bend
upwards, and surround the stem a little at the base; the
upper part, as well as those on the leaflets, thinly covered
with spreading hairs. Stem erect, somewhat flexuose, slightly
but sharply angled, striate, thinly covered with spreading
hairs below, but increasing in number upwards, where
they become shorter and more numerous, more or less tinged
with purple. Bractes oblong, 2 or 3-leaved, or entire, obtuse,
edged with purple, and veined. Flowers in a sort of loose
panicle, nodding. Peduncles slightly angular, very hairy,
also more or less tinged with purple. Sepals very broadly
ovate, slightly eraarginate at the point, tapering to the base,
alternate with the petals, hairy on the outside, of a bright