Iwo-leaved Ladies-Slipper.
N a tu ra lO rd e r. O U C H ID E iE . Broicn prodr. 309.
C Y P R I P E D IU M . Suprà fol. 1.
Sect. V I . D I A N D R M . Stamina 2 antherifera.
C. humile, foliis radicalibus geminis oblongo-ovatis obtusis, scapo apbyllo
unifloro, lobo columnas rhomboideo acuminato deflexo, labello perianthii
laciniis longiore antice fisso.
Cypripedium humile. Willden. sp. pl. 4. p. 144. Hort. K ew . ed. 2. u. 5.
p . 221. Salish. Linn. trans. 1. t. 3. / . 4. Pursk f l . amer. sept. 2. p . 595.
Spreng. syst. 3. p. 746.
Cypripedium acaule. Hort. K ew . 3. p. 161. Rotan, m a g a z.192.
Jíooí perennial, consisting of a tufted bunch of fleshy fibres,
ieatiei rarely more than two, oblongly ovate, obtuse, glossy,
but clothed on both sides with soft villous short hairs, strongly
ribbed underneath, plaited, and channelled above. Scape
erect, from a span to nine inches high, one-fiowered, thickly
clothed with short villous hairs. Bractea lanceolate, acute,
keeled on the back, thickly clothed with short hairs, that are
tipped with small glands. Ovarium short, angular, densely
clothed with glandular hairs. Leaves of the perianthiwn ovate,
the upper and lower ones ovate-lanceolate, clothed with short
glandular hairs, strongly nerved; side ones narrower, taper-
pointed, unequal sided, and bearded near the base. Label-
Lum large, purplish, longer than the leaves of the perianthium,
split longitudinally on the upper side, strongly and numerously
nerved, rugose, densely bearded inside, the hairs near
the base purple. Column lobe rhomboid, acuminate: side
lobes short, spreading, each producing an anther. Stigma
large, fleshy, spathulate, slightly fimbriate, and clothed with
short glandular hairs.
Native of North America, on dry mountains, bogs, and
in shady situations. Introduced to our gardens in 1786, but
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