Miss Martineaus Slìpperwort.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. S C B O P H U L A R IN iE . Brown prodr. d. 1. p. 433.
C A L C E O L A R IA . Supra fol. 130. series 2.
Sect. I I . S t a m i n a ( 2 .) A n t h e r i f e r a .
C. Martineauæ, cæspitosa, herbácea ; foliis petiolatis ovatis obtusiusculis
dentato-serratis penninerviis suprà niollissimo-tomentosis subtus hirsutis,
corymbis 2-8-floris, labio superiore oblongo concavo ; inferiore apice
ruguloso-crenulato appendiculato intùs sanguineo-variegato.
Calceolaria Martineauæ. Low’s Mss.
Plant much tufted at the base, producing many shoots,
which are covered with glandular hairs. Leaves zS\. petiolate,
ovate, a little obtuse, attenuated at the base, regularly feather
nerved ; upper side very soft to the touch, like velvet,
the feather-nerves being deeply channelled ; under side
clothed with long hairs, and small scale-like bristles, serrately
toothed. Petioles rather long, flat on the upper side,
and convex below, hairy on both sides. Flower-stems leafy,
rarely above a foot in height, forked, tinged with purple to
the first joint. Peduncles upright, or a little drooping, covered
with numerous very unequal glittering hairs, as is also the
whole of the flower-stem. Flowers by two’s, or threes;
lower ones in pairs, terminal ones in threes. Calyx peltate,
deeply 4-cleft; segments broadly ovate, bluntish, concave
on the inside in the bud state, spreading, densely covered
with hairs, and fringed ; upper one much recurved on both
sides, inclining to revolute ; the next 2 recurved a little on
the outside, lower one quite flat. Corolla 2-lipped; upper
lip rounded, almost pointed, curved inwards, or somewhat
revolute, clothed with yellow hairs; lower lip scarcely inflated,
rather narrow upwards, but widening abruptly to a
broad end, which is undulate, and slightly crenate, with a
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