tliickened margin passing down on each side from the top,
and joined to the lappet, which does not quite cover the hole
inside; from beneath the lappet is produced a most singular
and curious appendage, when cut through, of a thick and
fleshy substance, which is bent inwards at the end, distinctly
crenulate, connected to the lower lip, which is altogether
below it; the inside of the corolla is marked with lines and
patches of various forms and shapes, which appear like inscribed
characters of a red purple colour. Stamens 2, inserted
111 both sides of the upper lip, thick, and fleshy, tapering
to the point, and inserted between the lobes of the anthers:
lobes egg-like, white, roundly oval, furrowed on the outside,
and bending downwards towards each other.
This elegant plant is the offspring of Calceolaria Pother-
gilla, fertilized by Corymbosa, and was raised by Mr. Blair,
Gardener to John Martineau, Esq. at Stamford Hill. It
has been named in compliment to Miss Martineau, a young
Lady of great botanical taste.
Our drawing was taken at Mr. Low’s Nursery, Upper
Clapton. The plant flowers freely in the open border, from
April to August, requires a light rich earth, and is increased
by parting the roots.
1. Calyx. 2. Base of the Corolla, with the Stamens. 3. Style.
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