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TRIFOLIUM uniflorum.
Suigle-ßowered Trefoil.
Linnean Class and Order. D IA D E L P H IA D E C A N D R IA .
AfliaraZOrfer. L E G UM IN O SÆ . J « s s ./e » . p. 345.
T R IF O L IU M . Calyx tubulosus, 6-fidus : lavimts subulatis. Corolla
sæpiùs gamopetala: canna alis brevior. Stamina diadelpba. Legumen ca-
Ivce inclusum, indehiscens, oligospermum.
Herbæ (plerumque bemispb. boreal.) fo liis ternatis, sttpuhs petiolo
adnatis, fioribus capitatis bracteatis. D . Don Mss.
T.ani^oram, subacaule ; foliolis ovatis argutè serratis, capitulis subtrifloris,
dentibus calycinis erectis subæqualibus, corolla calyce duplò longiori,
leguminibus dispermis. D . Don Mss. ,,r „ i
Trifolium uniflorum. Linn. sp. p l. p . 1085. Amoen. 4. p . 285. WMd. sp.
p l. 3. p . 1378. Persoon syn. 2. p . 351. Smith p r o d r .fi. græc. 2. p . 99.
Dec. prodr. 2. p . 203.
T . Buxbaumii. Sternb. in fio râ 1820. p . 600.
T . vernum repens purpureum. Duxb. cent. 3. p. 17. t. 31-J. 1-
Melilotus eretica humillima humifusa, flore albo magno. Tournef. cor. 28.
S pic a trifolia. Alpin, exot. 169. 1 .168.
Plant perennial, tufted, slightly clothed with white adpressed
silky hairs. Stems prostrate, very short, purplish.
Leaves on slender, filiform, reddish footstalks, about an inch
and a half long, and marked above with a shallow furrow.
Leaflets on a short stalk, ovate, or rounded ovate, pointed,
nearly smooth, with numerous sharp, rather spinous teeth,
scarcely half an inch long, of a lively green, furni^shed with
numerous obliquely, parallel, prominent, nerves, frequently
marked above with oblong dark red spots, glossy beneath ;
the base rather cuneiform, and entire. Stipules short, broad,
and scariosely membranous, whitish, ending in two long
bristle-shaped points. Peduncles very short, not exceeding
the adherent portion of the stipules. Plowers large, singly,
or in threes. Peificefc very short, club-shaped, arched. Bractes
ovate, concave, pointed, scariose, shorter than the pedicels.
Calyx tubular, almost glabrous, rather attenuated at the