GANYMÈDES concolor.
Sulphur-coloured Ganymedes.
Natural Order. AM A R Y L L ID EÆ . Broten prodr. 1. p . 296.
Sect. 5. Spatha monophylla, 1-7-flora. Perianthium tubulosum, petaloideum,
6-partitum, corouatum.
GA N YM E D E S . Supra fol. 99.
Corollæ {Perianthii) laciniæ Cyclaminum more reflexæ ; corona péndula
poculiformi duplo vel plus longiores. Genitalia recta gracilia valde
inæqualia. Filamenta tria tubo breviora et co connata fere ad antheras
erectas lineares ; tria alia e tubo progredientia usque ad 3 lineas, et libera
ultra tubum at coronà breviora. Stylus coronà longior usque 2-3 lineas et
ultra, stigmate trilobo exiguo pallido.—Herbæ bulbosa; elegantes Europea;
Corbulariarum fo liis et habitu, at majores, et spathis 2-1-jloris floribus
cernuis nutantibusee, albis; sive pallidissime luteis, stramineisve, et delicatissime
suaveolentibus. Haworth supp. pi. succ. Narcis. Revis, p. 131.
N . concolor, 2-4-florus corollse subnutantibus, laciniis subreflexis, corona
truncata integra triplo longioribus, stylo longe exserto.
Ganymedes concolor. Haworth loc. cit. p . 131.—Monogr. Narcìssin. p . 4.
No. 2.
Narcissus juncifolius flore luteo reflexo. P a rk , parad, p. 92.
Bulb obversely top-shaped, producing a large cluster of
small white fibres at the base, the upper part ending in a
2-valved membranaceous sheath, which encloses the leaves.
Leaves succulent, very long, linear, tapering to a blunt point,
deeply channelled on the upper side, owing to the sides being
folded inwards, deeply furrowed with numerous furrows
underneath. Scape shorter than the leaves, slightly angular,
striate, inclinmg to glaucous. Flowers 2 to 4, nodding,
of an elegant straw colour. Sheath membranaceous, acute,
bursting on one side for tbe expansion of the pedicles, which
it encloses at the base. Fedicles unequal in length, bluntly
3-sided. Germen smooth, bluntly 3-sided. Perianthium
tubular, limb 6-parted, segments oblongly ovate, mucronate,
V O L . n . E