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Smallest Side-saddle Flower.
Linnean Class and Order. P O L Y A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. S A R R A C E N I iE . Sw t.h o rt.b rit. add. p . 44G. E d .2 .
p . 18.
S A R R A C E N IA . Caiyx duplex persistens : extenor 3-sepalus: interior
5-sepalus. P e ta la 5, decidua. Stamina numerosa. Stigma latuin,
peltatum ; margine 5-angulum. OctpsMte 5-locularis. P/acewíií 5-aiigularis
S. minor, foliis minoribus tubulatis erectis v. suberectis longitudinaliter
striatis unilateraliter lato alatis, valva concava extus carinata breve
mucronata, petalis ovatis discoloribus sepalis paulo longioribus, stig-
mate lobis incurvis.
Sarracenia minor, Nuttall. Mss. Walter flo r. carol. 153.
Ferennial. Leaves several from the same root, varying
from 6 to 12, according to its size, straight, or sometimes a
little curved, small and slender, scarcely at all inflated, of a
glossy green when young, but becoming somewhat brown
by age, tubular, longitudinally striated with purple lines,
and bearing a broad wing on one side, with a thickened
margin that becomes of a reddish brown by age; outer
leaves more curved than the inner ones, which are straight,
slenderer, and bearing a much broader wing than the outer
ones: mouth open : tube clothed inside with innumerable
shortish hairs, which bend downwards, and occasion a sort
of silky appearance ; lid at first erect, tapering to a slender
point; when full grown ovate, mucronate, acute, hollow on
the inside, and densely clothed with short hairs, sharply
keeled at the back, strongly nerved, smooth. Scape in our
specimen, longer than the leaves, cylindrical, smooth. Flower
terminal, solitary, the smallest of the genus yet seen. Calyx
double, smooth: outer series of 3 sepals, that are short,
ovate, bluntish, concave on the upper side, thick and coriaceous,
with membranaceous margins: inner series of 5 sepals,
large and spreading, broadly ovate, somewhat acuminate,
but blunt at the ends, obsoletely veined, green on the
upper side, slightly tinged with purple underneath and at
the margins. Fetals 5, spreading, obovate, rounded at the
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