■291 193
Purple Nierembergia.
Linnean Class and Order. P E N T A N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natura lOrd e r. SO L A N EÆ . Brown prodr. \ . p . 443.
N L E R E M B E R G IA . Suprà fol. 172. series 2.
Sect. 2. Corollæ fauce dilatatâ sæpiùs ventricosà, staminibus inæqua-
Ubus tubo medio insertis subinclusis, stigmate subcapitato. Petunia.
N . phcenicea, foliis ovatis, laciniis calycinis lineari-spatliulatis, cortfllae
fauce campanulatà tubo triplò longiori, caule ramoso diffuso. B . Don
Salpiglossis integrifolia. Hook, in bot. mag. i. 3113.
The whole herb of rather a lively green, clothed with
soft, jointed, spreading hairs, each of which is terminated by
a small gland. Root fibrous, apparently annual. Stems
round, branched, spreading, from a foot to three feet high.
Leaves alternate, ovate, somewhat acute, and slightly mucronulate,
quite entire, soft to the touch, narrowed at the
base, marked underneath with several pair of curved ribs,
and above with depressed lines ; about two inches long;
lower ones on a short footstalk ; uppermost sessile, and occasionally
opposite. Plowers large, showy, more resembling
those of a Convolvulus, than a plant of this family ; solitary,
stalked, drooping, not axillary, but arising from the side of
the branches, and oftentimes seated opposite the leaves.
Peduncles filiform, villous, clothed with soft hairs, an inch
and a half to two inches long. Calyx deeply parted into five
strap-shaped, or spathulate, leafy, obsoletely mucronulate,
unequal, spreading, rather recurved segments ; two outer
ones larger; the tube very short, turbinate, with 10 ribs.
Corolla of a bright purple, thrice longer than the calyx,
slightly marked with five angles; throat dilated, campanulate,
nerved, and reticulately veined, about thrice longer than
the tube ; the limb large, spreading, plaited, about an inch
and a half across, with five rounded, obsoletely mucronulate
lobes. Stamens 5, unequal, inclosed, inserted in the mouth
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