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IRIS Amæna.
Lovely Liùs.
Linnean Class and Order. T R IA N D R IA M O N O G Y N IA .
Natural Order. IR ID EÆ . Brown prodr. 1. p . 302.
LRLS. Suprà fol. 11, et 56. Series 2.
I . amcena, barbata ; scapo ramoso folia reotiuscula submquante, spathis
foliaceis, supremà biflorà, petalis inferne conniventibus. Rcem. et
Schult. syst. v e g .l. p . 466. Redouté Liliac. 6. t. 336.
Root composed of oblong, yellow, branched tubers. Scape
cylindrical, branched, many-flowered, smooth, solid, occasionally
furnished with one or two leaves, a foot, or a foot
and a half high. Leaves broadly ensiform, erect, about half
the length of the scape, of a pale glaucous hue, strongly
ribbed. Spathes leafy, green, ovate, acuminate, hollow, and
folded round the tube of the perianthium, which they rarely
exceed in length. Perianthium, with the tube, cylindrical ;
the 3 outer segments cuneiform, entire, of a rich violet purple,
beautifully veined downwards, with a white ground, the
edges and apex recurved, strongly bearded with yellow hairs;
inner ones spathulate, connivent, waved and entire, white,
with narrow claws, which are marked with purple lines.
Filaments subulate, white. Anthers pale yellow. Stigmas
erect, cloven, pointed, and serrated at the apex.
Long cultivated in the Dutch gardens, whence it has
been imported into our own. Its native country is unknown.
Our drawing was derived from the collection of Robert
Mangles, Esq. at Sunning Hill, Berks : it is an elegant
V O L . I I .