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Fischers A lta y Skull-cap.
Natural Order. L a b i a t æ . Brown prodr. AQO.
Sect. I I . B. Calyx bilabiatus.
S C U T E L L A R IA . Calyx bilabiatus, ebracteatus, labiis integris,
superiore intùs fornicato, extùs apice gibbo; fructus clausus. Corolla
ringens, galeà subtridentatà, labii inferioris lacinià medià emarginatà.
Herbæ v. Suffrutices. Flores axillares, solitarii v. terminales, spicati.
Brown prodr. 507.
S. altaica, foliis ovatis basi rotundatis obtuse dentatis subtus tonien-
tosis, spicis congestis imbricatis rotuudato-tetragonis, bracteis flore
paulo brevioribus.
Scutellària altaica. Fischer. Steudel nomencl. p. 756.
Perennial. Stems of a woody texture at the base,
spreading, ascendant, much branched; branches spreading,
of a purple colour, pubescent. Z/eaues opposite,
ovate or oblong, obtuse, incised or deeply toothed, with
blunt rounded teeth, hairy on both sides, underneath
clothed with a dense tomentum. Petioles very short, pubescent.
Spikes roundly 4-sided, from 2 to 4 inches in
length. Bractes sessile, ovate, concave, much veined,
villous. Pedicles short, villous, close-pressed to the
stem. Calyx very small, 2-lipped, very hairy; lips entire,
the upper one forming a kind of cap, and enclosing
the seeds. Corolla tubular, ringent, villous, purple,
the lower lip yellow, and reflexed on each side. S ta mens
4, inserted in the tube, 2 rather longer than the
others ; filaments declining, slightly hairy at the base.
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